"I have a few errands I need to run. I'll worry about food and rest when I am finished." He seemed not to like this response, his face contorting into a frustrated glare. This was far from the first time I had seen that look, and I suspected it would not be the last. He cared, perhaps too much. Still, he recovered quickly enough, simply lowering the visor to his helm and taking his horse by the reins. I took a step back and allowed him to adjust, turning to lead the Elder and my men away.

"What's this? Your Warlord is too busy to follow up on a demand?" Called out Siegemund. Even without seeing it, I knew trouble could only come of this remark. Not all of Blackstone were so zealous, but many were exceptionally dedicated to Apollyon's worldview. One of which happened to be standing right beside me. With one swift motion he reached for his sword, and with a quicker one, I extended my hand. When the soldier met resistance, he glared up at its source, and recoiled a bit when he realized that it was me. I shook my head, and he sheepishly lowered his weapon. Content with this, I took a step forward and eyed Siegemund, his arms crossed as he took in the size of the castle. I could tell how dissatisfied he was, and wondered if he was trying to catch a glance of our warlord from here. He'd need the vision of a hawk if he was.

"Apollyon has retreated for the evening. I will set up a meeting with her as early as I can." I said. Siegemund turned towards me, the look on his face one of irritation and indignance.

"You march us for days to this castle, with barely any rest or food, and yet your own warlord doesn't even have the decency to greet us? Seems she's barely fit to play the part." He barked. The attitude among the men shifted almost immediately. Even those not as zealous would not take well to their commander being insulted like that. This time, it was not I that prevented an attack, but Elder Zulan. With but one step and the raising of his hands, he interposed himself between the soldiers and his guard.

"Forgive my companion, please. He is tired, and worried for my safety. He does not mean his insult, I assure you. We are grateful for your hospitality, and eagerly await our meeting, whenever it may come." He said, a wave of calm seeming to flow from every word he said. While my men remained on edge, it seemed that this was enough to at least sway them from assaulting Siegemund. I wondered just how many times the elder had to step in on behalf of his so-called bodyguard.

It was at this moment where I again felt something off with the assembled soldiers, but again I couldn't seem to pinpoint what it was. I furrowed my eyes and observed them closely, trying to discern what it was that seemed to grab my attention. The lower ranked members had their shields, all tightly held even at rest, with their swords at the ready. The lieutenants were likewise prepared, and carried their weapons at the ready, none of them seeming overly relaxed or stressed. Even Belial seemed to be in a neutral state, his aggressive stance much less pronounced than usual.

That's when I saw it. It wasn't something the men were doing wrong, or even that one of them seemed more on edge. In fact, the feeling didn't seem to stem from a man at all, instead it came from the presence of Mercy. Or rather, the fact that she wasn't present. Sometime between our arrival and the few minutes of conversation, she had vanished. She had said nothing to me about disappearing, nor did she have any reason to. The only clear cut purpose behind her leaving so suddenly was to act on her duties as a Peacekeeper. And with no one to assassinate, she had to be delivering information. Which she only did for Apollyon.

My mind began racing as the crowd began to disperse, various conversations seeming a thousand miles away. Whatever Mercy was telling Apollyon had to be important, why else hide it under the guise of an early slumber? I already knew Apollyon had it within her to hide critical information from us, if Svengard was anything to take from. Rumors amongst the legion speculated that Mercy was the only one to know our true purpose that day. I had never given credence to these rumors, but perhaps I should have. I needed to see Apollyon. Now.

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