Damsel in Distress (Part 1)

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*Jim's P.O.V.*

"This is a pretty hefty price you are offering for a deal like this, Jim. Are you sure about this?" Sebastian asked as we head towards the Magnussen residence.

"For the system I am asking for in exchange to this, I'm saying it is worth it," I answered. I know I have to put big resources in the table for this one because what I'm asking for is a pretty huge deal.

In summary, I wanted to take part in his sophisticated system of information that he is using to blackmail people. Taking it would be impossible - no one would sell that kind of resource to anyone, so I am just offering this huge price for a part of that system.

"I'm going to be honest with you, but I think this trip will be fruitless. We both know that man. He's going to decline this before you even --

"Don't assume before you try, Sebastian," I cut him off. Somehow, I do agree with him because if I have that system for myself, I would never let anyone take it, not even a part of it. But sometimes, other resources can outshine it for some people.

"Whatever you say. But don't get pissed when he declined, he's still one of the people we don't want to mess with, for now at least," he warned.

I just hummed, not giving any promises that I can control myself.


"Welcome to my humble abode, gentlemen!" Charles Magnussen welcomed us the moment we were escorted to his dining area. The arrogance in his voice was oozing - he must be so proud to show me his home which was decent at best - it was still a huge villa with designer furniture and antique artifacts everywhere, but nothing to write home about. His description of this being 'humble' is actually perfect for it.

"Can't believe it took this long for us to invite each other," I told him as Sebastian and I took our seats around the dining table.

Our discussion started as we ate dinner. I slowly ease in my objective to the conversation which he was surprisingly welcoming. I know him as a business minded too, so maybe we can work out something by the end of this night.

I was about to formally propose my deal, when suddenly, one of his maid came in the dining room.

"Master Charles, your daughter is here," she announced. Magnussen smiled and gestured a sign of permission to come in. I look towards the entrance of the dining room to see a lady, around her middle 20s, walk inside the room. The first thing I noticed is her expression which just screams she didn't want to be in here. She was wearing a casual black dress that she obviously isn't comfortable with.

"Gentlemen! Since I have come to trust you enough, let me introduce to you my daughter, Y/N," he announced. With this formal announcement, I did look at her more closely. I almost called bluff on this because she looks nothing like his unfortunate bad-looking father. It's either she's adopted or she fully got her features from her mother's side, to which I say, lucky. "Come join us, dear."

"Good evening to you both. Honored to finally meet the two most dangerous men in London," she said with class which delighted me.

"I didn't know you were a father to a beautiful lady, Charles." As a gentleman that I am, I upped my seat and closer to her. I handed my hands out, beckoning her to lend her hand out. The closer I got, the more, the more I question Charles' relation to her. She was beaming with fierce beauty unlike his father that Aphrodite must have hated.

"Good evening as well, Ms. Magnussen. Pleasure to meet you," I said with a smirk. I was expecting the same arrogant and sulky attitude like her fathers, but she took me by surprise when she put her hand on top of mine. I took the opportunity to gently kiss it as a form of adoration.

Jim Moriarty Imagines / One Shots / Short Stories (BBC Sherlock)Where stories live. Discover now