Fatal Attraction (One Shot)

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*Y/N's P. O. V.*

"Okay. Spill it, Moran. What did I do wrong?" I asked my good friend and colleague the moment I found him by the bar counter. I have been searching for him the whole night at this huge elegant party. Usually, he's often staying hidden, but tonight I'm surprised that he's out here in the open.

I took a big sip from my cocktail as I needed the burn it left on my lips and throat as I wait for his reply.

"Are you drunk already? What do you mean?" he asked, genuinely confused about my question.

I scoffed, calling bullshit that he's clueless, "Your partner is clearly avoiding me. What's up with that?"

I have always been working for them for as long as I can remember. I was born in this chaotic world and brought up to be who I am today. I'm a valuable spy that could give them any intel they want and I have chosen to be very loyal to them from the start.

Of course, it all just started for the money and protection. They do give you a hefty reward for every successful mission, but few years ago, it became something else - something more. The infamous Jim Moriarty came into the picture and stayed there for good.

Somehow, he and I became each others habit and we couldn't get enough. I was his go-to person for business and personal stuff and it became intimate. The psychopath who sees everything around him untrustworthy had shockingly put his trust on me. He became open to me as much as I was open to him. Never in a million years would have I anticipated falling for a psychopath and him actually entertaining it. I saw it, he really did gave it a chance, but I guess my worst fear started a week ago where he just stopped contacting me for no reason.

"Oh, that," Sebastian finally realized what I was talking about, but didn't seem too concerned about it, "Your question threw me off. You should have asked 'what did I do right'?"

"What?" Now I'm the one confused.

I tried to think about what he said which led my eyes to wander around. Moriarty organized this party for god knows why and he actually didn't invite me. But being the stubborn person that I am, the moment I heard about it, I decided to crash in.

"You're checking all the right things and you're becoming something to him," I heard Sebastian say, but honestly, I wasn't paying much attention to him now.

I observed all the guests that I can see and I can tell they are all his so-called leads and colleagues. As my eyes continued to wander around, I finally saw the devil himself.

He was in the middle of the hall, engaged in talking to a small group which he clearly enjoyed talking to. He has his charming confident smile on his lips and it looks like he was blushing from how reddish his face is - he must have drank a lot already.

I was about to shift my eyes away, but then realized he was standing so close to this other lady and he clearly have his arms around her waist. The longer I look, the more I see how he's non-verbally flirting with her.

I held myself back from making an interesting scene and just decided to turn around and bottoms-up my drink. I gestured to the bartender to get me another glass.

"Calm down there, tiger," Sebastian teased, now that got to me.

Coming here may be a bad idea because it's just making me more frustrated. I didn't know what I did wrong in the first place and now I'm seeing him replacing me. I know Jim can be the flirty-est person in the world, I mean talk about his efforts for Sherlock, but he hasn't done something like this before. Sherlock and Sebastian were the only people up against my spot. No one else have gotten that close to him, but I guess not anymore.

Jim Moriarty Imagines / One Shots / Short Stories (BBC Sherlock)Where stories live. Discover now