Leave (One Shot)

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A/N: I'm pretty sure some of you have already come across this prompt in one shape or form, but I'll still go with it. Lol. For those that knows this, I hope you enjoy my take on it.

*Y/N's P. O. V.*

My whole body is shaking in so much anger. My eyes had also been burning from the unwanted tears I am shedding. My voice is failing as well - it's shaky and cracking - I have never been this furious and frustrated in my life and I have been with him for almost my whole life.

I've seen a lot of things that he'd done - how he handles people, how he handles situations, and how he do things in general - I'm supposed to be desensitize to the shit he's doing, but I wasn't prepared for this stunt - it literally made me sick to my stomach.

"How dare you?!" Seeing him nonchalantly walk towards me inside my house after two weeks of making me believe that he killed himself on that fucking rooftop is sending over the edge, "How fucking dare you waltz like this to me after breaking me apart with the news of killing yourself?!"

He's still far from me, and while I'm being an emotional wreck, he had a smug grin on his face which is triggering me more.

"Aren't you overreacting a -----"

I didn't even let him finish, I grabbed a vase near me and threw it his way. Of course, he easily avoided it, I know he will, I wouldn't really want to injure him anyways even if I actually want to choke him to death.

"You really are not taking me seriously, are you? Am I just a fucking joke to you, Moriarty?! Do you know how this stunt broke me?! I thought you were dead, you sick fuck!!" I shouted at him and this comment finally got through to him. His grin dissolved to a more serious stare, "For two weeks, I thought I lost you and you dare walk back right here like I'm just going to brush past it and be up on your face, kissing you and praising you for this "majestic trick"?!!" I couldn't stop my outburst. I'm just so frustrated, I feel like I've been played and betrayed.

"Y/N, Stop... --" Jim was now on his consoling mode, but with every attempt he makes to get closer to me, I just throw another display at him.

"I thought you trusted me?" I asked, looking at him in the eye and this question caught him off guard. We've known each other even before he started this empire of his. We were this dynamic duo who just wants to own the world and everything in it. It has always been a perfect partnership, we always want the same thing, always have the same vision, but I think he's beginning to have other plans now.

"Wasn't I supposed to be your partner in this? Yet you so easily decided to fool and leave me. Are you taking pleasure on this?! You probably are! I was miserable to death for those days! No one - not you, not Moran, or not anyone in your team decided to let me in on this one! Why?" I didn't care if I'm injuring my throat as I shout at him. I'm a mess. I still couldn't comprehend why he played me like this.

"Y/N, can you please STOP throwing things at me and listen to --

"You know what? NO. I'm done with you! I clearly don't matter to you anymore....Take everything that's yours in my house then LEAVE! I don't fucking care anymore!" Of course, that was a lie...I just couldn't handle this tonight and I want nothing else but to just scream and cry in anger.

I turned to go straight to my room. I just can't handle this anymore and I need time to process this. As I continued to walk fast, I was suddenly swept up from the floor and placed on a shoulder like a rag doll.

"What are you...Put me down, Jim!" I flail so he could let me go, but his grip was firm. He wasn't going to let me go.

"Just following your request, love," he answered casually and I just accepted defeat. I have to be honest, I was shocked at how fast he reacted on what I said.

Finally, once we're out in the garage, he put me down on the hood of his expensive car - not caring if I'd make a dent or scratch it even a tiny bit. I looked for an opening to get out immediately, put he trapped me in there with his arms on my side and him just hovering above me.

"Now, will you listen to me?" he stared at me, face so close with mine, "The show wasn't just for Sherlock. I was being hunted down and I ran out of time to get to you and tell you everything. I also don't want you to be a target for them while I was gone, your genuine emotions would tell them outright that you had nothing to do with this and it was a warning too - you were burning in so much frustration and agony that time love, no one would be crazy enough to attack you unless they wanted to be eaten alive," He explained, "I would never leave you." he whispered, a lot genuine than I expected it to sound like.

"I don't believe you," I said in bitterness, but at least now, I'm a lot calmer. I can see that what he just told me is the truth, but I still don't think it's fair.

"Come on, Y/N, a king needs his queen.....and you are the only person qualified to fill that role. While it was entertaining seeing you miserable, I'd still choose it if you're by my side," Jim's smug grin is back and he's just staring me down there with that smirk plastered on his face.

"I hate you," I said, him knowing it's a full lie. I'm still angry though and he, for sure, knows it. We know each other so much now and it's going to take a while before I fully open up to the psychopath again. I'm not someone who'd just come crumbling down because of he showed me some genuine emotions and did his sweet action and words.

"Sure, you do, love," His confidence was back up again since he knows I'm so much calmer now. He was going in for a kiss, but I stopped and forced him off me.

"You're not getting anything from me tonight, Moriarty. I'm still pissed - very pissed! - and not the kind of pissed where I'm up for an angry sex," I told him as I walk off and he stared at me playfully like a lost puppy. I know at this point, he's just teasing me, "The guest room is open, that's the best you can get."

Jim gave me his charming smile which just made me run my thumb on my temple. All these are making my head throb so bad "God, out of all people in the world, why am I in love with this particular psychopath?" I whispered to myself, finally leaving him there.

Thankfully, he did give me the space and time that I need. This past few days had taken a lot out of me and he surely needs to do something to make it up to me. I'm certain he already has something planned out, but I think none of that can replace the relief that I got once I found out he's still alive.

I may still be furious but at least I can finally rest knowing that my charming devil has not completely left me.


Jim Moriarty Imagines / One Shots / Short Stories (BBC Sherlock)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant