Chapter Sixty

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Zayn's P.O.V

✓  The night alone with memories ✓

I remember the first time that I saw him in highschool. He was wearing this greyish hoodie and some black jean along with it, a clear contrast to his green eyes.

However cliche or cheesy this might sound, those eyes never left my thoughts from that moment.

I remember the first time we talked. I kept zoning out, just lost inside your voice.

I remember the first time we hugged. The comfort that I got from you was something I realised was missing in my life but I didn't realise it.

When we first started dating, I didn't know if I could do it. But even then you were there to hold my hand and tell me that we will figure everything out as the day moves forward.

When I lost my parents and was ready to give everything up, you told me that everything is going to be okay and that you would always be there.

When I was on the verge of giving up on my dreams, you told me that I could do it.

When I got a chance with a recording label in New York, you told me that I would make it.

When I finally did, you told me that you will be the one among the millions of people in the crowd cheering for me as I sang.

I had this hope that you would never hurt me. But you did. And I don't know if I can get over that.


✓ The hour before shit went down bad ✓

Hey Zayn
It's Billy here
I don't remember the last time I used this account lol💀🤣
Anyways, I'm babysitting Ezra today. You can come by the store if you want.

Hey Billy
I'm a bit busy now
I'll be there later

Oh okay
Just come by before nine
Harry's going to collect Ezra around then
That's Ezra's papa if you still remember 😅

Yeah I remember
Don't worry. I'll come by around then. I guess it's time to meet Ezra's papa.

Okay cool

This conversation happened around two or so hours ago. It's almost eight now. And that's when I walked into the store.

“Just got here right in time. Harry's on his way to collect Ezra” Billy said.

“Guess I'm lucky then. Where is he anyways?”

“Ice cream aisle”

I walked down through the familiar aisles once again.

Tears pooling my eyes as I saw him.

Sitting down against a the wall, with a book in his hand reading a story.

Why didn't I realize this sooner?

Why couldn't I recognize my own son?

“Buswy mothwer hwen” his little voice echoed.

“Mothwer hwen swits on hwer eggs” he read along, his tiny fingers tracing the words.

“Is my little one reading a story?”

“Ahh” he was startled throwing up the book in his hand.

“Bambi uncle ywou scarwed me” he said placing his hand on his chest.

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