Chapter 13 (Mike's POV)

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Two years ago

Mike's POV

I stepped out on the patio to have a cigarette and a break from the loud partying going on inside. Also because Jeff didn't allow cigarette smoke in his house. I thought the rule was odd considering how often we all smoked weed in there, but whatever. I respected his wishes and lit my smoke outside, where I found Eddie sitting on the steps.

"Oh, hey Ed!"

When the other man didn't turn around, I started to worry about whether I mistook the guy sitting on the steps for my friend. I walked down the steps to the grass and turned around to make sure. That was definitely Ed, but in the dim light from the porch, I saw tears streaming down his face that he wiped away with his hand the moment I looked at him.

"What's wrong?" I stepped closer to him.

He sniffled and let out a shaky sigh. "M-me and Chris had a fight--"

I didn't know how to respond to that, or how to comfort him the right way. During the several years I knew him, I never saw him like this. I hesitated before sitting beside him. I stretched my arm out behind him, and I felt less anxious about trying to console him when he leaned into my embrace. Feeling his body tremble while he let out quiet, broken sobs put a heavy pang in my chest. It wasn't just sadness. I knew it was more than that. I wished there was some way I could help Eddie, but I didn't know what else to do, but sit by his side and hold him.

He inhaled sharply and dried his face. "I just wanna go home..."

"We'd hate to see you go, but, I understand."

"They probably didn't notice I was here," Eddie stood up. "Sorry for... making you put up with me."

"Eddie... I'm not putting up with you, I-- you're my friend. I care about you. Th-that's all."

I shrugged my shoulders. I felt a smile tugging at the corners of my mouth, but I let it happen. I meant what I said.

"Thank you," he flash a small smile back, meeting my eyes for a second before looking down at his black boots. "I really appreciate that, man. But, I better get going."

"Mind if I walk with you?" I spoke before thinking. "Kind of need a break from... here."

"Yeah. Yeah, sure."

We silently shared my last cigarette during the short walk. I stopped on the sidewalk as soon as Eddie turned left and took the small path around the side of the blue house. When he reached the back door, he paused before turning around.

"You can come inside, if you want."

I swallowed, turning left and following him inside the small house.

The amount of hours that passed and beers we had were a mystery to me. What I wanted to know first was how we both ended up in his bed. I could feel that my clothes were still on. I looked to my left, and so were his. So that put my drunk, tired mind at ease.

Eddie mumbled something while he stirred next to me, turning his body to face me as he threw his head against the pillow. "Hey..."

"Hey," I wiped the corners of my eyes. "You okay?"

"Yeah... are you?"

"I guess..."

"You guess?" He asked.

"I mean... aren't you worried about Chris—"

"We broke up last night."

My eyes went wide. Maybe that was what he meant to tell me on the porch before he broke down.

"Sorry Ed, I didn't mean to..."

"To do what?"

"Uh..." I shook my head, because I didn't know exactly what I was apologizing for.



"Thanks for... being here with me."

"Dude, we're friends. You don't have to--"

I couldn't speak with Eddie's lips against mine. He pulled away after the short, gentle kiss, and looked directly into my eyes. I blinked, opening my mouth to speak before I knew what to say. It wasn't being kissed by another guy that left me speechless. It was the fact that I was kissed my friend. By Eddie. And the fact that I kinda wanted to kiss him back, the reason for that being beyond me at the time.

I inched closer to him anyway, his hand cupping one side of my face before leaning into me.

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