Chapter 12 (Stone's POV)

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Stone's POV

I had the dorm to myself for the rest of the night, so I put on one of my tapes and cranked the volume a bit. The takeout I ordered was on the way, so I occupied myself with adding finishing touches to the picture of Chris I drew earlier. I enjoyed spending time with him, cracking jokes and having deep conversations. Felt like I knew him for years as opposed to... less than a week. I couldn't wait to see him again. I just had to wait two more days.

I looked over the sheet of paper, mainly focusing on his face. It looked good. He looked good, even better in person.

Before my mind could wander any further, I jerked to the sound of a slamming door. That had to have been Eddie. I shut my sketchbook and crawled off my bed, turning my stereo down on the way out of my room.

"Eddie?" I called out.

I hesitated before walking to his room, where he was hurriedly packing a duffel bag.

"Eddie, is-- what is going on?"

He zipped the bag shut and turned to face me, his eyebrows furrowed and his face red.

"Stone, can I ask you for a favor?"


He ran a hand through his hair and licked his lips. "C-can you bring me to Mike's?"

I nodded. "Yeah... let me put my shoes on."

We didn't talk during the ride, and something told me that was no good time to annoy Eddie with my loud music on purpose. I wondered what happened to upset him so much, and whether it had to do with his boyfriend. And why did he need to go to Mike's house, as opposed to his boyfriend's? Regardless, it wasn't my place to ask, so I kept my mouth shut.

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