Chapter 8 (Chris' POV)

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Chris' POV

"When can I see you again?" I asked Stone as he stopped the car in front of my house.

"Hmm... I can give you my phone number if you--"

I quietly cut in. "I don't have a phone."

"O-oh, then uh... hmm..." he scratched his head. "Are you busy this Friday?"

"I'm rehearsing with my band in the afternoon, but I'm free after that."

"You're in a band?" Stone's eyes lit up. "Dude, that's cool! Anyways... want me to pick you up afterwards?"

I thought that was a great idea. That way I wouldn't have to wait around for Eddie to finish getting high with Mike and the rest of the guys after rehearsal. That also meant I didn't have to get second-hand high off the fucking air in the process. I could just leave right after.

"That would be great, actually. The bassist Jeff lives a couple blocks down from here."

"Perfect. What time should I swing by?"

"I should be done some time after 3."

"Alright then," he smirked. "It's a date."

I chuckled at his use of the last word. "Sure is. See you then."

I climbed out of his car, and we said our goodbyes before he drove off.

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