Chapter 6 (Stone's POV)

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Stone's POV

I swallowed as I exchanged glances with the same blue-eyed stranger from the other day. I thought he would turn back around or something, but instead he acknowledged me with a smile.

"Stand in front of me."

His welcoming voice made me blush. I wasn't in a hurry, and I had no reason not to accept his offer.

"That's really nice of you, thank you."

When it was my turn to order, I went with a regular coffee with cream.

"Will that complete your order?" The cashier asked.

The man stepped beside me before I could answer, holding a $20 in front of him. "And a small black coffee."

The cashier rang our orders up together, and gave him his change and receipt. I glared at him with wide eyes as we stepped aside, my mouth hanging open with little to say in response to that gesture. Before I found any words to say, he spoke up.

"You don't have to thank me."

"What do you mean? This is really nice of you! So, thank you."

His dark curls fell as he bowed his head. "You're welcome."

We sat together in the back of the café. Sitting across from him, I got a better look at his glowing blue eyes. Accentuated by his long lashes, they were quite the contrast against his dark hair and clothes. After a long, slow sip of coffee, his thick lips were pink and glistening. When his eyes met mine, I felt like the only person in the room. What did I do earn the privilege of being this close to a literal work of art in human form?

"Sorry," he chuckled. "Uh, my name is Chris."

Now I felt like I was doing something forbidden. Was I talking to the same Chris that Eddie was with? It couldn't be. Chris is a very common name. But this man in front of me was like no other I've ever seen.

Trying to ignore the anxious thoughts, I introduced myself to him.

"It's nice to meet you, Stone," he grinned. "I had a hunch that you'd have a unique name."

"Really? Like what?"

His fingers lightly drummed against the table in thought. "Well, I dunno. Now that I know your name, I can't think of anything that compares to... Stone."


"No, uh..." his smile grew wider. "I just like saying it. Stone..."

There was something sultry in his voice when he said my name a second time. It sounded sexy.

Chris eyes fell onto the black, hardcover sketchbook on the table. "Do you always take that with you?"

"For the most part," I nodded slowly. "Mainly for my classes."

His eyes lit up. "C-can I see your art?"

"Sure!" I was typically protective of my sketchbook, not allowing anyone to flip through it or look over my shoulder. But Chris? I couldn't say no.

I slid it across the table, and he opened it, studying each page attentively, uttering the occasional "woah" and "oh wow" as he went. When he suddenly stopped, I already knew why. Keeping the sketchbook open, he set it back down in front of him. He gave it one more look before facing me. His mouth hung open as if to speak, his cheeks flushing red.

"Is... is it awkward that I... drew you?" I asked.

"No! It's not awkward. I guess it's... flattering that you drew me? Because you did a beautiful job."

That's because you are beautiful, I thought, wanting to say it out loud. "It means a lot to hear that from you. Thank you."

"You're welcome. Thanks for letting me look at this. I feel honored."

I covered my mouth and laughed.

"But yeah... I love how you added color to my eyes. It's like I'm looking at them in the mirror."

"Thanks! The only reference I had was my own memory."

"I wonder if going by memory as a reference made it easier or harder for you." Chris took a small sip of coffee. "Say... if you want, I wouldn't mind being your muse."

I huffed, my dick throbbing in my jeans to the image of a shirtless— or naked —Chris on my bed. I thought about it, and decided that I could use a source of inspiration. Even with that, no photograph or paint on a canvas could capture even half of his beauty. But it wouldn't hurt to give it a try.

"Well..." I bit my lip. "When can you start?"

"Whenever you want," he beamed. "Are you busy later?"

"I don't have any classes today, so no."

"It's pretty nice out," he took another sip of coffee, propping his head up with his hand. "Wanna come with me to the park after this?"

"Yes, actually!" I smiled. "I'd love that."

"Alright, cool."

He flashed a smile at me before his gaze fell to the table, his thick, dark eyelashes fluttering when he blinked. "So... what's your excuse for being up this early?"

"Early?" My brows knotted as I looked at my wristwatch. "It's only half past 8. Anyway, I was going to drive my friend to the campus, but he wasn't in the dorm when I woke up, so, I'm here. What about you?"

"I uh... I didn't have a very good night. Didn't get much sleep."

"Oh. I'm sorry, Chris."

"Not your fault. Besides, that's what coffee's for, isn't it?" he smirked before taking another drink.

I giggled. "Yeah, pretty much."

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