Chapter 4 (Stone's POV)

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Eddie took morning courses, which meant the only reason I woke up early was to drive him to the campus.

I lightly tapped on Eddie's bedroom door to check if he was ready to leave. I heard nothing from the other side, so I slowly turned the knob and opened the door.

"Eddie?" I whispered, thinking he was still asleep.

I poked my head in, only to discover he wasn't sleeping. His bed was made, but what I found to be abnormal was that he was nowhere to be found. I didn't think much of it. I figured I'd see him on campus in the afternoon.

I couldn't have gone back to bed at that point, even if I wanted to and didn't have classes for several hours. I took my car for a drive to pass some time, turning up the stereo's volume. I got better at keeping it loud enough to satisfy myself without disturbing anyone, like Eddie. He would often complain about how it was too early for me to play something like Slayer first thing in the morning. Sometimes I turned it down for him, but I got a kick out of seeing him roll his eyes and pout when I didn't. It was my car, I could do whatever I wanted with the stereo. And I liked Slayer. It woke me up in the same way coffee did.

I headed towards the coffee shop right as caffeine crossed my mind. I cut the engine in the parking lot and pulled my key out of the ignition. I took my sketchbook off the passenger seat to bring inside with me.

As I stepped foot into the coffee shop, the last person in line turned around, eyes widening as he seemed to recognize me.

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