STOP THE WEDDING! (Sonuckles) Pt. 3

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The gang was in this new universe wondering where in the world they had been sent and stood in front of a controlled Mephiles and Scourge who just stood in place looking at them with dead eyes. Silver and Manic pushed through the group. They weren't at all scared about approaching the ones they loved and loved them back. "Mephiles... Please... You have to snap out of it..." Silver pleaded. Mephiles reeled back his fist to try and punch him but was stopped by Silver's telekinesis.

Manic approached Scourge carefully not wanting to anger his lover. "Scourge... Listen to me. You're stronger than Infinite would like you to believe. Look me in eyes and tell me you see me! I love you Scourge... that'll never change! I know you don't want anyone else to get hurt. I know that. But if you don't snap out of it we won't be able to stop him. Come back to me." Manic insisted, leaning in to kiss Scourge who remained immobile. Just as Manic pecked him, Scourge snapped into reality and looked at the one who gave him love.

He blinked a few times before coming back to reality. Eventually, Mephiles was able to do the same as Silver returned the feeling of passion. The two were confused about everything that had just gone down and stared at the ones they loved. "W-What... What happened?" Scourge asked.

"No time to explain! But... long story short, I love you." Manic said kissing him on the cheek. "Do we have any way to get back home?" Knuckles asked Shadow frantically. Shadow strained as his power had been drained by Infinite a few hours back. "I... I can't form a portal. That bastard used some of his own power to take some of mine away. I'm not sure I have enough even with a Chaos Emerald." he replied.

Many of them looked at each other anxiously. "What are we gonna do? We have to try to get out of here!" Tails panicked. "We've gotta think fast! The wedding's going to start any minute now! Sonic's going to be making the worst decision of his life and no one is there to stop him!" Amy cried. "I'm not letting my brother get hitched with someone who doesn't even care about him! Think!" Sonia cried.

Knuckles thought for a minute and was trying to think of something- anything. The Master Emerald connected to him helping to connect with its power. He couldn't form portals but by sharing some of his energy with Shadow and Silver, they could get out. "Shadow... Silver... I have to share some of my own Master Emerald power. We need to hurry!" Knuckles told them. The two of them nodded looking over at him.

All of them held hands, trying to get their power from Knuckles as time was running out.


Sonic was near the aisle about to walk out to get married. Most of everyone was out in their seats waiting for him to make the grand entrance. Infinite was already waiting at the altar with a sinister grin on his face. Soon... everything will be mine. The idiots really thought they could defeat me after everything. Pft. As if. The Red Echidna thought he could save him. Never. I'll make sure to it that what's Sonic's is mine.

Just as he finished his thoughts, the orchestra music began, Sonic took in a deep breath and walked down slowly but surely. As he did, he looked around at everyone else, trying to find his friends and siblings. Shockingly, he saw they weren't there. What?! They said they'd be here! And... none of them... showed up..? But... Knuckles and Tails... Knuckles promised me!

When he made it to the altar, he noticed none of his friends were there. Shadow, Rouge, Amy, Manic, Sonia. None of them were in their respective spots. He could feel his heart breaking. Were they trying to tell him something? "My love... you look so beautiful." Infinite said, interrupting his thoughts. "O-Oh! Thanks! So are you..." he said, trailing off and looking around once more.

"Is something bothering you?" he asked. Sonic knew he had been caught and bit his lip, trying to hold back tears. "M-My friends... None of them showed?" he asked him.

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