Repeat (Sonadow)

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Shadow's P.O.V

It was a bright morning, as usual, I sat at the kitchen table drinking my cup of coffee. A little bit of sugar and two spoonfuls of cream. Sipping my coffee, I heard the bedroom door creak open and the love of my life walk out into the kitchen. He stretched out and yawned in front of me, smiling at the sight of my face. "Morning Shads!" he greeted, walking towards me happily.

"Morning love, you seem refreshed." I sighed, somewhat awake, barely sipping my coffee. He walked over and we shared a passionate kiss. "So, what's on the agenda today?" he questioned.

I smiled to myself, I had the whole day planned out, and it all would lead up to the biggest decision of my life. "Well, first, I want to take you out to get brunch. Then afterward, we could go for a run? And maybe, take a stroll by a very special spot?" I suggested to him. "Ok! I love it! C'mon, Babe! I'm so excited already!" he cheered, taking me by the hands and we began to rush out the door.

"Wait! Slow down! We don't have to rush!" I chuckled, laughing all the way to our favorite place to eat. There at the place, we took our seats and were more than happy to get the day started. I smiled at him, knowing this was the best day I could ever enjoy. He was talking about something about fighting for the Freedom Fighters. How coincidental because they're all about to help me with a big surprise.

"It's crazy you know? I mean, I swear, they've been acting really weird lately. Just the other day they were snickering a bunch. I went up to ask them what it was about, but then they all just ran away! Tails and Knuckles even were acting all suspicious! I mean... do you think I did something to them?" he asked worriedly. I had to go along with it, they were in on my plan. "Considering you're a good person, I wouldn't worry. Just relax! I'm sure once the phase passes over, it'll all be fine!" I reassured him, taking his hands into mine. "They're your friends. I doubt there's anything for you to worry about. Besides, anyone who tries to trash a wonderful blue hedgehog, they're just crazy!"

Sonic looked up and smiled up at me. "Aw, you always know what to say!" I scoffed and kissed the hand that I held. "All for you!" I replied. Just as we looked to our side, a waitress walked over and put a milkshake with two straws in it. "U-Uh we didn't-" Sonic began. "It's on the house!" she interrupted quickly. I looked over at her and we winked at each other. Sonic looked at me concerned. He seemed sort of embarrassed.

"S-Shads!" he cried. "What?" I asked casually. He batted his eyes and almost stood up. "Hey! Where you going?" I questioned. "I just don't understand! What's with everyone today!?" he asked concerned.

I smiled and held his hand. "Sit down! I want to have a shake with my lover!" I pleaded as he sat down.

He faintly smiled and sat down. We shared the milkshake and after we finish we decided to leave not too long after. I took him to the forest where we used to race all the time. He was shocked and raced over to hug me. "Oh, Shads, you remembered!" he smiled, hugging me tightly. "Of course I did. How could I forget about the place where we really met?"

After a quick stretch, we decided to start a starting point. "You know you're going to lose right?" Sonic teased me. "I'll take my chances." I smirked and got into ready position. I looked at him excitedly and before I knew it, he took off. I scoffed and soon began to chase after him, soon catching up to his side. I watched as he sped through the trees. He dodged everything in his way, the entire time giving me the biggest smile he could possibly give me. I flashed a warm smile as I took the chance to zoom past him.

Eventually, we looped around a whole lake, quickly zig-zagging around another part of the forest. We met up again, seeing each other once more. I laughed and just before he could reach the finish line, I jumped out and tackled him from behind. We both went rolling over the finish line and landed on the ground with me on top of him.

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