Hurtful (Shadilver)

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Shadow's P.O.V

I opened the door with an annoyed sigh and walked inside to see what Silver had cooked for dinner. I had a long day of annoying businessmen talking about the dumbest stuff. It only gave me a headache. My boss had yelled at me for something that I had nothing to do with but here I am I can't shake anything off from this entire day. All I can say is that I am beyond irritable and I really didn't need to be badgered.

When I slumped down on the couch, I heard the footsteps of Silver walking into the room. His arms embraced me in a tender hug as he kissed my cheek. "Hey! Glad you're home. I'm making dinner right now but it'll be ready in a little bit." he said. "Okay love... I'll be here..." I lay down on the couch. "What? No kiss?" he asked playfully, rubbing his face against mine. "Silver, stop it. I'm not in the mood." I growled and pushed him off gently.

Carefully he moved away. I heard him sigh and walk away from me. Just as I was beginning to fall asleep, I heard a thud. "Ugh! Shadow! Please put your shoes behind the door! I hate tripping over them!" he said and I heard some shuffling. I growled. "They're just my damn shoes! Why are you always lecturing me!" I snapped and clawed into the couch. Silver looked at me, his eyes had a hint of pain.

"All I did was tell you to move the shoes..." he said quietly. I growled another time before laying down on the couch and being able to catch up on some sleep. When I woke up, I smelled something that was close to me. Silver had just placed a bowl of food on the table in front of me. I sat up to see what was in it. "Hey! You're awake! I didn't wanna wake you up but, here's your meal!" he said.

Taking the bowl, I held it close to my face. Instead of being grateful like I would've been, I groaned and placed it back on the table. "Pasta again? Silv you know I like other things. This is the fifth time in a row!" I snapped and leaned against the couch and took off my tie. I noticed Silver's ears pinning to his skull. "Oh don't give me that! If you actually paid attention to anything that went down, you'd know I wouldn't want this crap every night! You're so stupid!" I kicked the table and the bowl tipped over.

He flinched and backed away from me. "Well, get it!" I snapped and he grabbed the bowl before heading out. At the moment I felt like what I had done was justified. But after he had run out, I felt... hurt on the inside. You need to apologize. I thought to myself. I sighed and got up to go find where he was. I found him in the laundry folding clothes. He lied... He told me he did these already! "Silver!"

Instantly he jolted and looked at me fearfully. "What the hell! You didn't do the laundry!? I can't believe you!" I shouted. "I-I did! I forgot I had another load! B-But I'm working on it! Please I'm sorry!" he said. "I just can't believe you lied to me! You said you had it done! I have a big meeting tomorrow! I need fresh clothes!" I snapped. "Shadow I still have time! Relax!" he said angrily, trying to defend himself.

"God, you're so annoying! I gave you the most simple task of doing my clothes! You don't have anything else to do all day!" I snapped. Silver's ears stood up pointed and was angrily approaching me.

"Nothing? I have been spending my whole day, running errands for you! If I had known you were gonna talk to me like this I would've gone to Blaze's baby shower like I had planned! But no! I canceled my plans so I could help you with your work! I drove to three different places and waited for hours! You're lucky I didn't back out! Now you're acting like a selfish prick!"

Something inside of me snapped more than I thought it would. I smacked Silver across his cheek making him lose his balance since he was taken off guard. I watched him fall against the machine before he caught himself. My eyes widened. Then my heart clenched. "S-Silv... I-I didn't mean to! I swear! I-I lost my temper!" I cried. Silver stood up and I saw tears pricking his eyes. "Get... G-Get out Shadow..." he whimpered. "Silver... No, I'm sorry!" I cried. He pushed passed me and went into our bedroom and locked the door so I couldn't get in.

You idiot! What have you done! You had no right to put your hands on him! You better pray he forgives you! I sat on the ground... hiding my face as I sobbed... You asshole...

Silver's P.O.V

I sobbed as I buried my face into the pillows. Shadow was usually so sweet, kind, and understanding, and loved my attention. Even if he was exhausted he wanted everything I was bringing to him. This wasn't him... Did I do something? I didn't care if he was still pissed off at me. I won't let him bully me. I sighed and wiped my face.

I heard a knock on the door and I turned to look at it. "Silver... Please... Can we talk?" I heard him ask. "I won't do anything. I promise! I love you..." I hesitated for a second but then I walked over and unlocked the door before walking back and sitting down on the bed. A second or two went by and the door slowly cracked open. He walked inside and closed the door behind him. He glanced down at the ground, ashamed.

"Well... I'm waiting..." I sighed. Shadow got down on his knees and looked up at me. "Silver, I know I had no right to do what I did... I'm sorry. I... I don't even have a good excuse. I've had the longest days of work... But there's no excuse for me striking you. I'm sorry Silv... I was wrong! I don't want you to be hurt... Or be fearful... You've done so much for me. You didn't deserve it..." he said and sobbed at my knees.

He clung to my legs while hiding his face. I smiled softly and gently, petting his quills. "Oh, Shadow... stop crying. You're right, you didn't have the right to put your hands on me. And it better not happen again. But... I'm not angry. I just... I just want you to appreciate me. I work hard for you too you know." I told him.

Shadow looked up and crawled next to me, putting his head on my lap. Tears still pricking his own eyes. "I forgive you... Now stop crying!" I told him playfully. He still hid his face from me in embarrassment and held onto me for dear life. "Oh, you idiot..." I sighed and continued to pet his quills.

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