Dance With Me (Blazamy)

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It was another late night at the palace ball where every male and female was invited to the party hosted by the King and Queen. They were doing it to see if they could find a mate for their young daughter Amy Rose. Amy wasn't at all happy about her parents pushing her to date or marry someone she doesn't love. In her heart, there was only one person she had eyes for.

Of the many guards that she had, Blaze was always someone she held dear to her heart. She wants to tell her feelings. But of course, she was too shy. Not only that, Amy was worried her parents wouldn't let her marry, let alone date a noble.

The ball had begun and the guests' had arrived. Amy groaned looking out her window balcony at the amount of royalty rolling in. "Ugh! I can't!" she sighed, throwing herself onto her bed. Just as she flew back, Cream, her little sister, and Blaze walked into the room. "Amy! Mom and dad are calling us to come to the ball! Where's your dress!?" Cream cried. "Cream you know as well as I do I'm not going to wear that huge poofy dress!" Amy said, staring at her ceiling. Blaze chuckled under her helmet and approached her.

"How about this Cream, you tell the Queen and King that she's finishing her final preparations. I will be down with her in fifteen minutes." Blaze said. Cream smiled and nodded then ran downstairs. Blaze then approached Amy and helped her get ready. "I don't understand you sometimes. I'd be happy if anyone threw me a ball." she said. "Look, Blaze, it's not about that! I... I just wish my parents would understand this is not how I want to meet the love of my life... Besides I'm already in love with someone... I just don't understand why I have to marry a Royal... My heart wants something different. Someone special." she explained. "I understand wanting that much. But we have to deal with it sometimes." Blaze said.

Amy sighed again. "But wouldn't you want to be with someone that you love? And if they possibly liked you back?" she asked. Blaze lightly blushed. "I... I do... But it's not my place to talk. It's my job to follow orders. I... I like someone too but I doubt there's anything I could do for their hand. Either way, we shouldn't keep the guests waiting for too long. They'll be expecting you soon." Blaze replied gravely. "Okay... I guess you're right."

A few minutes went by and they walked down a long hall to the stairs nearby. It led them straight to the ballroom where everyone was. Uneasy for the long night ahead, Amy took a deep breath. "Don't be nervous. If anyone should be nervous... It's all the princes and princesses. They have a lot to look forward to. You are after all... Very beautiful." Blaze said briefly, her cheeks turning bright red under her helmet. Amy's eyes sparkled as she herself turned red. They both looked away flustered. "You better come down there!" Amy demanded.

"Only on your orders. I'll be there when the dancing begins." With that, Blaze was forced to go the other way. Gathering her thoughts, Amy walked down to the bottom where everyone's eyes turned to look at her.

Finally, the announcer spoke up. "Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you, Amy Rose! The daughter of Queen Ailinda and King Alexander! The Princess of the Chao Empire!"

Everyone took a bow as Amy returned it. "Tonight, everyone has a chance to dance with the princess to help her find a mate. Take this into consideration. The Princess gets to pick who she wishes to dance with." he explained. They nodded and the music began to play. Amy cursed mentally as she walked around the room. To no one's surprise, she walked up to her little sister. "I want the first dance to be with a best friend of mine. My little sister has never steered me wrong!" Amy declared.

Cream cheered and playfully the girls twirled around the room. As they did, their parents smiled from afar. "Who should I ask for advice? I need someone who won't find it weird..." Amy asked her. "Hmmm." Cream began and looked around. That's when she noticed her babysitter named Shadow who sipped a glass of wine. "Him! Mr. Shadow's in love with someone else! So he'll give you plenty of advice!" Amy hesitated but knew if Shadow cared about her sister, he might be a little helpful.

The two bowed to each other and Cream skipped away. She then walked over to the edgy hedgehog. He was surprised to see her come up to him for a dance. Yet he shrugged and the two bowed before dancing. When they began dancing, he began asking. "Tell me princess, who is it you really have your eyes on?" he asked. "Figured it out that fast huh? I mean if you must know... It's her..." Amy said motioning with her head to Blaze. Shadow lifted an eyebrow. "Huh, never thought you would've looked her way," he began. "Even so, it shouldn't matter. Dance. It's the only way you'll get your feelings through. How else could you expect to get your feelings straight?" he asked.

"For once, I think you might be right. Shouldn't I be worried about what my family thinks?" she asked. "Not really. At the end of the day... Do you really want to spend your whole life unhappy?"

Hearing those words, the two bowed and parted ways before Amy continued to dance with the others in the room that night. After being shy and hesitating to call over to Blaze, Amy finally made up her mind. She cut the current dance short and looked across the ballroom. Her eyes fell on Blaze who stared out into space. Blaze didn't even notice her crush walking up to her. Whispers flooded the ballroom watching her walk up to the knight in shining armor.

She held out her hand, capturing her attention. Surprised, Blaze's tail wrapped around her leg nervously. "Please... Dance with me..." Amy requested. Her parents exchanged a look of shock while most of the other guests seemed to be impressed. "P-Princess... This... This isn't right!" Blaze whispered. "I'm not supposed to dance with you!" she protested. "But I'm allowed to dance with whoever I want... Whoever I choose. I choose you. So dance with me." Amy insisted.

Looking at the many eyes around her, Blaze sighed and gently took Amy's hand. "A-Are... Are you sure about this? There's a lot of guests here!" she asked frantically. "I'm sure. I have to talk to you about some things. And take that ridiculous helmet off!" she responded. Blaze sighed and took off her helmet before leaving it at a table. Together they headed out in the middle of the dance floor, bowed, then carefully took each other's hands.

The musicians continued their paused music. Amy's parents were astounded while Cream and Shadow smiled to themselves. "They seem very pleased Mr. Shadow!"

"Indeed they are. I told her she needed to take a chance."

Blaze and Amy continued to dance. It came to the point where it seemed as if the crowd in front of them disappeared after a while. "Blaze... I... I want to be honest with you. You've been there for me since the day we met as kids. My parents weren't sure about bringing up a "peasant" girl in the castle as a Royal Guard. Whatever your past is I couldn't care less. I know you're a good person at heart. That's why I choose you to be my main security. And... And it's why... I love you."

Suddenly, Blaze's face flushed bright red. "Princes... That's impossible! I'm just a knight! A servant of this palace! It... It would be wrong to like someone like me!" she declared. "Don't be silly! I love you! A lot! You're the only real friend I've ever had. Someone who's reliable. I don't want to let that go. Please..." Amy begged.

For a moment, the two were quiet. They didn't say anything to each other as they danced some more. "Amy... I love you too... But you know that we couldn't possibly make that work as much as I want it to! Your parents, the kingdom law, the crowds! No one would accept us! There hasn't been a noble-royalty relationship in years! It wouldn't... It wouldn't work! Ever!"

Frustrated with Blaze's anxiety, Amy moved Blaze's face closer to hers. "Maybe it's time to change that."

Confused, Blaze didn't even have time to react to what happened. Amy had kissed her. Refusing to let go of her. At first, she was frightened about the crowd. At some point, however, she didn't care anymore. She kissed back, holding her close to her side and the two stood there allowing everyone to stare at them in shock. Some started cheering, some thought about leaving, and others shrugged it off. Her parents had mixed reactions. Cream and Shadow began giving each other mischievous looks. Both of their eyebrows raised playfully.

"I told her she had it!"

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