number 1

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You felt the tears roll down your face and onto the ground as your mind was blurred away from everything else. Why did it have to be you? What had you done to deserve this? 


As your mother left the room whispering a quick goodnight you pulled the covers higher over your shoulders, coldness creeping up your body. You could hear your twelve year old brother, Ji Hoon, in the next room crying.  Your mother entered his room, shushing and comforting him. You weren't scared.

"Police report that the infection is moving throughout the northern, eastern and southern regions and so far has not come in contact with the west." 

You weren't scared. As long as you were together with your family you would never be scared. Even if you came close to death. The 'Pithovirus sibericum' or the zombie virus for short was the virus that had accidentally been developed in North Korea secretly. It wasn't intentional of course, scientists had no idea it would develop into this. North Koreans had suddenly started turning into zombies when being tested on for the 'new and life changing' formula. Unable to keep it under control, the virus spread throughout North Korea and slowly into the South. It had only affected the North of South Korea so far but you knew it wouldn't be contained for long. Many people were either turned or under urgent medical care with life threatening injuries. 

Suddenly a lot of loud banging, hammering and thumping could be heard outside. You bolted into sitting position, your covers falling off your shoulders. You slowly moved out of bed, standing up. Creeping over to your window you slowly opened the curtains slightly, looking outside. A bright sight blinded you slightly as you squinted your eyes. A vibrant flame flew high in the sky a few streets away. Your eyes widened, rushing to find your parents. 

"Mom! Dad!" You ran out of your room, mouth dry. You felt your heart begin to beat at least three times faster than before. You stopped, putting your hand over your heart in a useless attempt to slow it down and calm yourself. 

There was no time. 

You ran across the hallway just as you heard another loud bang. You could see the orange and red getting closer and you burst into your parents room, waking them up. "We need to go now." You say, a very serious tone you didn't know you had in you came out. "Why? What's the matter y/n?" Your mom says, worried. 

"There's a f*cking fire outside that I don't think means good news."  Your parents rush out of bed still in their pajamas, running to the window to check. 

"Oh my god." You mom says as your dad curses. 

"Okay everyone stay calm. I think there's enough time to find a few essentials before we should definitely go."  You dad says. He looks calm on the outside but you can hear the bit of fear in his voice. "Go wake up Ji Hoon y/n." You run back across the hallway to Ji Hoon's room. He had just begun to sleep peacefully and you knew in normal circumstances you wouldn't even dare step in his room. But this was very different circumstances. You rushed over to his bed not even bothering to muffle your steps at all. 

"Ji Hoon. Get up. We need to leave now." He rubs his eyes slowly. 

"Y/n! I was actually sleeping." He pulled the covers back over himself and began to fall asleep again. "Get up! Ji Hoon, there's a fire and the zombies are coming." Not bothering to censor it for him, you knew this would be the quickest way to get him up. "What!?" He jumped up, hugging you. "Are they going to eat my brains y/n? Will we die?" 

"No they won't. I'll make sure of it. They won't lay even one finger on my brother." You ruffle his hair. "Come on. Grab a few things you think you absolutely need and then come out. We need to leave as soon as possible." You leave the room and head back into yours. Starting to grab a few things you suddenly start to feel a bit hot. Realising what must be happening you run out of your room. Flames rise up the side of your house on the outside, seconds away from consuming the inside. "Mom! Dad! Get out of there!" You yell, looking at their room which was about to burst into flames. "Y/n?" You could hear your mom from the inside of their room. 

"Get out!" You yelled again as you ran towards their room. Flames started to enter the house. 

"The door's melted shut!" You heard the muffled yell from your dad. Sweat started to drip down your face as you stood their, not knowing what to do. "Go y/n! Run!" Your parents yelled. "I don't think we'll make it." 

"No! You have to!" You say towards their door. 

"No we won't. We love you y/n. We love you and Ji Hoon. Now go. Run." You parents say. Still in shock and on the verge of tears you ran towards Ji Hoon's room. "Ji Hoon? Get out!" You yell as you run. "Ji Hoon?" As you try opening the door you realize it's also melted shut. 

"Y/n?" It's a bit hot in here." You hear Ji Hoon say. Blinded by tears to shove your shoulder at the door, trying to break it open. "Ji Hoon hang on okay? I'm getting you out. Hang on." You say as your voice trembles. "Y/n!! There's fire! What do I do?" You heard Ji Hoon start crying. 

"Hold on Ji Hoon! Come to the door." You yell into the door. You could feel the door loosening but as you did you could heard an ugly scream that you never wanted to hear. "Ji Hoon!" You scream. "Thanks for being there to save me y/n." You hear from the other side of the door as the hinges finally give way and flames almost burn in your face. "Ji Hoon!" You scream as you see the familiar body of you brother amongst the flames. Now fully blinded by tears you're frozen on the spot. Somehow eventually your legs bring you away from the flames and out of the door just before a loud bang blows up your home.      


When I was writing this, Film Out, Don't Leave me and Let Go was playing 😥😥     

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