Chapter 17: Who Are You

Start from the beginning

"Shayla, what are you doing?"

She closed her mouth and looked down at her brother.

"You took way too long," she joked.

"That's what I said to mommy!"

Shayla laughed. "Well come on."

The two siblings ran around with all the other kids in the village. They built all sorts of bunkers and forts and had snowball fights. Sheik continually aimed for this particular girl who was about the same age as him. She would aim for him right back. After a while all the kids became tired and went back to their houses.

Except Sheik.

"Are you sure you don't want to go back inside?" Shayla asked out of breath.

"No, I'm not tired at all," Sheik said. "Why don't we play hide and seek!"

Shayla sighed. "Ok fine. But just two games. Then we go inside."

"Ok, ok," Sheik said impatiently. "You hide first!" Sheik ran up to a tree and covered his eyes with his hands.

"One... two... three..." he started to count out loud. He could hear Shayla crunch away towards one of the nearby houses. Sheik peeked around the tree to see her walk around the back of it.

"...nineteen... twenty!" Sheik spun around and looked at the snowy village. Since he had peeked, he knew exactly where Shayla was, but he didn't want her to know that. He trotted around a little, looking behind bushes and trees and saying things like, "Gee! Where could she be?"

He quietly made his way to the house she hid behind. He tried his best to crunch the snow quietly as he approached the corner of the house. He jumped around to the backside.


To his surprise there was nothing but an empty wall. All that sat there was a pile of logs with new snow piled on top.

"Shayla?" he asked the empty air. "Shayla?" He inched forward.


Sheik jolted into the air and turned around to the voice. It was his sister, holding her gut as she laughed.

"Shayla!" He ran up and pushed her. "Don't do that! I thought you were lost!"

Shayla continued to laugh. "I'm sorry, Sheik. I just couldn't resist! Got you pretty good, huh?"

Sheik grunted and stomped in the snow. "Ok. My turn." He pointed to the tree where he had counted. "Go count over there." He started to run off to hide.

"Sheik, wait! Remember to not go outside the village!" Shayla yelled.

"I know!" he answered as he ran farther away. He trudged up the hill that led to the lookout of the entire village. He slipped a few times on the powdery snow, but eventually made it into the small forest. The forest naturally formed a pathway all the way through the green trees. He followed it until he came to what looked like a gigantic, unbloomed flower — about three times the size as he was. He wanted to run and hide before Shayla found him, but he couldn't help but look at it.

He walked to the backside of the flower. It emitted extreme warmth despite the snow piled on the ground. He put his small body up against it and stayed for a while.

Sheik all of a sudden heard footsteps rushing past the flower. He thought fast and buried himself in the cold snow at the base of the flower. He felt some of the powder fall down his back, but he just shut it out. All he had to do was be silent, and Shayla would have no way of finding him. He smiled at his genius plan the way only a little child could. The footsteps rushed by again. And again. And again.

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