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hyunjin pov

i had finally gotten what i had been playing for. i smiled in triumph as i was handed the huge gray cat stuffed animal, turning around and looking for felixs beautiful face. i began to panic when i didn't see him directly near me, so i began to look around the vicinity.

"yo, yeonjun, have you seen lix??" i tried to calm my voice but it still seemed to come out panicked, enough for the pink haired to notice.

"not since we started the games, why?" he asked, and i could hear the panic now filling his voice.

"take this i'm going to look for him." i said, handing him the large stuffed cat and disappearing into the crowd without another word.

maybe he had to use the bathroom.

i practically sprinted to the bathroom, stepping inside and immediately seeing two figures on the floor. i recognized the shock of blonde hair and my heart almost dropped to the floor.

"felix??" i said, trying to contain my panic. both heads turned to me at the name, revealing my love's tear streaked face. i immediately rushed to his side, dropping to the floor and cradling him into my arms. the boy beside him watched silently, but he was the least of my worries.

felix cried into my arms, clawing his hands into my shirt as he tried to get closer to me. when i realized how panicked he seemed, i turned to the boy beside him with anger.

"the fuck did you do to him?!?" i shouted, watching the boy wince at my words. felix's head immediately shot up from my chest, and i watched in disbelief as he put himself between the boy and me.

"he saved me don't you dare use that tone with him!" felix raised his voice, catching me off guard. it seemed to catch the boy off guard as well, as he was looking at felixs back with wide eyes.

it wasn't long before tears began streaming down felix's face once again, and it took everything in me not to bring him into my arms. and the only reason i didn't was because he seemed like he wanted to say something.

"chan. chan found me when i was wandering around, i wasn't even that far away.. h-he drug me in here and threatened to stab m-me. j-jisung came in here for something e-else but he knows c-chan so he made an excuse and chan l-left." felix choked out, sitting alone on the ground. my heart dropped once again and i suddenly hated myself for not noticing.

"thank you." was all i said before i embraced felix once again, pulling him to his feet and letting him cling to me. jisung nodded at me, standing up as well.

"i don't know what i'd have done without jisung.." felix said, pulling away from my embrace to move to jisung. the boy's eyes widened as felix wrapped his arms around him, almost yanking him into a hug.

i watched as jisung hesitantly put his arms around felix's waist, to which i nodded and he seemed a bit more comfortable. his widened eyes slowly returned to normal as he rested his head on felix's shoulder, relaxing into his touch.

it was only then that i saw that jisungs cheeks were also stained with tears, and his nose was red. worry crossed my mind at what i saw, wondering what had happened. the boys pulled away from their hug and felix made his way back to my side, dragging jisung with him.

"he's coming with us." felix stated blankly, and i could tell he wasn't in the mood for me to argue with him. i nodded, looking to the small boy, he was about felixs size. both small and petite. jisungs eyes widened once again but i waved his concern away, giving him a small smile.

"don't worry, we'll take care of you." i said, taking felixs hand, who took jisungs hand as we emerged from the bathroom.

"we should probably leave before chan comes back.." jisung said, looking around worriedly for the threat. i watched his expression lighten when he didn't see him anywhere, relaxing his entire posture.

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