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felix pov

i chuckled at hyunjins slightly flustered expression, giving him a sweet smile before running into my classroom before he could say anything else.

i watched him smile and shake his head as he continued to his class, waving at me through the door one last time. i waved back with a smile and sighed, beginning to take out my stuff for class. i had this class alone, but the next class i would have seungmin.

as the bell finally rang, i rushed to the cafeteria alone, trying to reach it before anyone unwanted found me. i reached our normal spot, seeing seungmin dragging a tired but happy looking jeongin behind him.

i smiled, seeing yeonjun with his hand linked with a certain blue haired boy's. last to appear was hyunjin, his tall frame easily making its way through the crowd. when he saw me his face lit up with a smile, moving towards me faster than before.

i ran to meet him, him throwing his arms open for a hug which i accepted immediately.

"jinnie! hi." i said into his chest, pulling away and looking at his face, which was now pink.

"jinnie? that's new." he said with a chuckle.

"no- i mean- " i stuttered, panicking as if he hated the name. he wrapped his arms around me tighter and pulled me into him.

"shh, calm down okay? i love it and it's adorable. you're adorable." hyunjin said, rubbing my back to stop me from beginning to hyperventilate. i calmed my breathing, feeling his body detach from mine and take my hand, leading me to our spot.

"im adorable!?!" my brain had just processed what he had said, not sure if i had heard it right. i snapped my head to hyunjin, watching as his eyes widened.

"did i actually say that out loud?" he mumbled, putting his hand on his forehead and groaning. i giggled, grabbing his hand tighter.

we finally sat down, seeing seungmin and jeongin sitting rather close and yeonjun and soobin doing the same.

"hi soo, hi yeonjunnie." i said sweetly, waving at them and realizing they were in there own world. they waved back with a sweet smile.

i scooted close to jeongin and seungmin, hyunjin shortly behind me. we were now all sitting on the floor under the stairs, talking excitedly.

"jeongin! was seungmin nice to you??" i said, shooting seungmin a playful glare. he stuck his tongue back out in return, scooting even closer to the smaller, resting his head in his shoulder.

jeongin giggled, turning and pushing seungmins head off of him, earning a groan from said boy. i gave hyunjin a knowing glance, realizing he was already returning it.

"yes! he's been super sweet to me! and we've actually done a project english together before, so it was easier!" jeongin said happily, completely opposite of the boy i was watching this morning. seungmin smiled now, looking down at the younger.

"yeah hes so sweet, more than all of you." seungmin said with a giggle, screaming when i smacked him. hyunjin just chuckled from beside me, watching it unfold.

"do you and seungmin want to come over later?" felix said suddenly turning and looking intently at me. his words caught me off guard but i quickly recovered.

"of course. seung, what about you?" i said, looking to the boy. he nodded immediately, giving a big smile. i saw jeongin looking down, which made me curious.

"you're not gonna invite jeongin..?" i asked, causing said boy to look up with wide eyes.

"n-no! it's okay i-"

"oh hush, you're living with me innie. can't stop me either." felix said simply, looking at the boy who was now filled with shock.

"but-" jeongin began, being cut off once again.

"nope." felix said, smiling brightly at him. i chuckled, knowing there was no changing felixs mind now. i watched as he clapped his small hands together in happiness, looking at all of us.

"great! so it's settled. we can all walk home together, i'll invite yeonbin over there but who knows what they'll be up to." felix said with a small chuckle, making all of us look over at the lovebirds.

soobin had his head on yeonjuns shoulder and yeonjun had his arm snaked around soobins waist. they were watching a video on yeonjuns phone, not having a care in the world.

i wish i had someone to do that with. to feel that way for.

"ahem!!" seungmin said, clearing his throat dramatically to get their attention.

yeonjun looked up first, his face immediately going pink when he saw all eyes on them. soobin was next to look up, his sleepy eyes widening when he saw us all. they didn't move from each other's grasp though, looking at us still attached.

"do you want to come to my house after school?" felix questioned, giving the boys an eyebrow. they looked at each other, before yeonjun spoke up.

"we actually have a date. sorry lixie, next time baby." yeonjun said with a small smile, taking soobins hand.

"awe!!! my yeonjunnie has finally got the boy he's been in love with for 2 years!!" felix said smugly, watching yeonjuns face turn bright red before he hid it.

soobin nuzzled into his chest, also hiding his face. i chuckled at them, seeing how cute they were together.

"okay okay lix leave the lovebirds alone." i said with a small giggle, seungmin nodding in agreement.

"well innie, this is our group. it doesn't get much better than this." felix said with a smile, causing all of us to turn and look at the smiling boy.

"i wouldn't have it any other way."

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