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felix pov

i woke up in the same position as i had fallen asleep, on soobins chest with yeonjun cuddled up next to us. i smiled at the older boys sleeping and quietly tried to slide off of soobins lap. i succeeded, but i watched as his eyes fluttered open and then widened.

"shh, it's okay soo, i'm just getting changed, okay? these pants are uncomfortable." he nodded, letting his eyes flutter back closed. i giggled quietly, looking at how cute the older was. he would be a good match for yeonjun.

i quietly opened the closet and grabbed a pair of sweatpants and decided to change my hoodie as well. i quickly slipped off my pants, trying not to wake the boys and slid the sweatpants on.

i ventured into the kitchen to get a drink, realizing it was 7:43pm. we had left school around 12:30 and we came straight home and slept for almost 7 hours. wow.

i grabbed 3 water bottles and snuck back to my room, quietly setting them on the table and sliding back onto soobins lap. before i laid back down though, i admired his features.

it was crazy how comfortable i already was with him, sleeping on his lap and letting him see me cry. he just has that vibe, like yeonjun.

i sighed contently as i rested my head in the crook of his neck, making sure to keep him as comfortable as possible as well.


yeonjun was lightly shaking me, trying to get me to wake up. i groggily opened my eyes and stared at him with half lidded eyes, waiting for what he wanted.

"lix, i have to take soobin home, okay? it's 1:24am, i can come back if you want?" he asked sweetly, causing my heart to hurt a little.

yeonjun is always doing stuff for me, looking out for me, making sure i'm okay and even staying with me when i need him.

"no hyungie, you do enough for me, sleep in your bed tonight for once... or soobins." i said with a wink, earning a light smack from him and a chuckle from soobin.

"i'll walk you out hyungs." i said, carefully getting off of soobins lap and making my way towards the door.

"oh! i got water bottles for you but you were sleeping!" i said, running back into my room and handing them each a water bottle.

the duo chuckled and yeonjun hugged me, pulling me tight into him. when he pulled away, soobin did the same thing.

"sorry your first day with us was hectic, soo, this is how it normally is." i laughed dryly, hearing yeonjun make a small noise of agreement.

"that's okay, you two are the sweetest people i've ever met and i really just want to protect you, lix." soobin replied with a smile, showing off his dimples.

"yeonjun stop making heart eyes at this boy and take him home!" i screeched, laughing as yeonjuns face lit up in heat as he tried covering it.

"cute." soobin chuckled, taking yeonjuns hand in his own as they walked out of my apartment, waving to me one last time. i smiled at them and shut the door, standing in my kitchen for a moment.

after 10 minutes, i exited my apartment and locked it behind me, making my way to the elevator and pressing the ground floor button.

i walked out of the doors, letting the fresh air hit my nose and i sighed, beginning to walk.

after walking for 5 minutes, i came across what i was looking for. i looked around before slipping under the caution tape, silently making my way towards the half finished 2 story house.

i spotted a ladder leaning against a wood pole that was part of the house, taking that as my sign. i grabbed it and lightly shook it, making sure it was sturdy enough, and when it was i made my way up. i breathed out as i reached the top, figuring out where i wanted to start.

i found a skinny ledge that was just one long board, deciding that was my target. i carelessly began to walk across it, losing my balance a few times and enjoying the thrill of coming close to pain, or better.

the roof was half finished, just leaving the wood structure, so i began to figure a way to get to the very point of the roof.

i hooked my leg through a hole in the side, pulling myself up to the top of the wall, looking down at the concrete driveway beneath me.

i could just let my body splatter right there. and it would be done.

i shook my head lightly, continuing to climb until i reached the top, balancing precariously on a mere 2 pieces of wood. i looked around at the city surrounding me, the lights never going out.

i wish my light was like that. always strong and bright. but mine is just dull and sometimes it's not even there.

a few minutes later, i decided i should go home since i had to get up for school in about 5 hours. i sighed, half-carelessly climbing down, slipping a few times and feeling my heart drop but i enjoyed it.

i took one last glance at the concrete almost longingly before climbing the rest of the way down and moving back towards my apartment building.

as i stepped into my apartment, i suddenly was washed with fatigue from the entirety of my day; once again. i crawled into my bed after stripping off my hoodie and curled up, bringing the blanket up to my chin and getting comfortable.

i sighed, thinking about how much yeonjun and soobin cared for me, and the way that the hyunjin boy looked at me earlier.

was he worried?
or did he linger to make fun of me?

i shook the thoughts away from my head, forcing myself to sleep as i listened to the silence engulfing my room.

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