Chapter Thirty-Six: Echo in the wind (Pt 2 )

Start from the beginning

I heard over the radio and smiled, the person responsible for echo teams death is now dead and this is another terrorist down, making a small village in Afghanistan a more safer and better place.

Baby: Ggggggggggggrrgrgrgrgrgrgrg

She was gurgling in my hands, making me look down at her to see she was very fascinated with my hair, more specifically, my red highlights.

Naruto(over radio): Well done team, Toc this is Demon 1, did the target have any child, grandchildren or even nieces?

I asked over the radio and it was silent for a bit since the little girl in my hands was looking at my ear piece in curiosity.

Sheila(over radio): No records of any children, grandchildren or nieces, as far as we know the guy lives by himself, never went out unless it's important and doesn't really socialize, why you ask?

Naruto(over radio): Cause I have a baby girl in my arms that I found on his bed.


There was silence for the time as I heard no reply from either my team or mom, which made me worry since I think finding a baby on the bed of a guy who shouldn't have one is not good.

Sheila(over radio): Sending in your extraction vehicles now, meet you at the airfield and bring the baby.

Naruto(over radio): Roger that, all demon elements, rendezvous at Extraction point Charlie.

Demon Dogs: Roger sir!

I heard over the radio and got off as I looked at the little one in my arms.

Naruto: Okay little one, let's get you ready to move.

I said and looked around the room for a go bag for her or any bag that has clothes and the other essentials for the baby and found one in the closet, it had food, which were bottles of baby feed and some baby food as well as extra clothes and diapers with wipes, this should last for about two days, so I guess this will have to do.

Naruto: Let's go you.

I said, putting back on my helmet and head the child close to my chest and had my hand gun out, sweeping the area before moving, I had to be extra careful since I had a baby in my presence, so I had her facing away from me, so she could not see my gun or me killing someone.

Once I met up with the rest of my team, taking down to survivors that were left, I was immediately hounded on by Santos, who took the child from my hands and started to coo, rock and show it with kisses but that didn't do anything to stop her from crying, in fact, she was crying through moment she left my hands.

Santos: Why won't she stop crying, I mean, I'm good with babies and I even have a niece and nephew that I used to take care of when they were younger.

She sounded desperate, so I sighed and handed over the go to bag to Emlay.

Naruto: Keep that in your sight and don't leave it, it contains the baby's essential.

Emlay: Roger that sir.

I looked but at Santos and took the baby from her, earning me a death glare from my Latina girlfriend.

Santos: Hey what do you think your d-

She was cut short when she realized that the child stopped crying and was now snuggling my exposed arm with her face.

Naruto: Hey, hey, hey, you can't do that, I'm dirty and you will get sick if you do it.

I held her at arms length after that and looked at her face to see she was indeed dirty.

Naruto: Emlay, hand me a wipe out of the bag.

Naruto: soldier of 141Where stories live. Discover now