Rosario + Vampire: Symbol of Unity

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Plot: Y/N Shinzo Yagi had died satisfied with the many achievements that he had accomplished in his life but to the former number one hero's surprise found himself a reborn in a New World that seems to be normal but as Y/N grows up he would realize that monsters disguising themselves as humans were real and some more actually causing trouble and so Y/N decides to protect his home by dawning a vigilante suit fight against the monsters who would darn cause trouble while so dealing with normal crimes because of his exploits those's in the monster community had given him the name "The Resolver" and those's in the human world have given him the name "Kibo" Y/N would then find out that he's been already to an academy once the former hero came to the academy Y/N would realize his so called academy was anything but normal now will Y/N in his new oh who are we kidding we all what the former hero will kick ass and work his damn hardest for monsters and humans to truly coexist

Name: Y/N Shinzo
Hair color: Pink
Eye color: Red
Gender: Male
Race: Japanese. Human. Kawatta
Age: 18
Vital status: Alive

 Kawatta Age: 18Vital status: Alive Appearance:

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Quirk: One For All

Quirks of OFA: Black Whip. Danger. Float. Fa Jin. Smokescreen. Gearshift.

1. Rosario + Vampire
2. Romance
3. Isekai
4. Harem
5. Male Reader
6. Love
7. Monsters
8. Fluff and smut
9. One For All
10. Original Characters
11. My Hero Academia
12. Magic

Story idea book part 1Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang