MSNS x OPM: Embrace Your Inner Demon

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Plot: There is a demon in all of us rather we like them or not they are always just there no matter how much one tries to ignore them they know that their inner demons will always be there waiting for the chance to be unleashed upon the world y/n knew that a demon was inside him as first he was scared but y/n would come to realize that if he keeps rejecting his inner monster it would be him who is rejecting what he is and would without a doubt dampen his growth so what did y/n do? He accepted his demon and in return it accepted him y/n trains himself but realized it wouldn't get the results he wished for so he sought out guidance and found the right Dogo but years later he would be kicked out for injuring his fellow classmates who were trained like him but didn't care because he craved to become stronger and fight stronger opponents so traveled around until he was confronted by Ren Yamashiro because of the trouble he was causing they fought and Ren was surprised by Y/N's strength and that he was improving as they fought each other so Ren seeing the opportunity gave the boy an offer he could not refuse it was to work with the Anti-Demon Defense Corps where could get stronger or rot in prison with all the strength he had accumulated go to waste and eventually die unsatisfied or just die in their fight and not be able to reach his full potential y/n thought about it for a bit before accepting the offer but Ren tells Y/N about a girl named Kyoka Uzen and her Ability at that moment Y/N realized why Ren was telling him this wasn't happy but he already accepted the girl's offer and decided to accept this unfortunate outcome now how will everything go with Y/N working alongside the organization but as a slave but what everyone everyone doesn't know was that despite Y/N becoming a slave they would learned that was a monster in human skin

Name: Y/N
Hair color: Black
Eye color: Orange
Gender: Male
Race: Japanese. Human. Warrior.
Age: 23
Vital status: Alive

 Age: 23 Vital status: Alive Appearance:

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1. Mato Seihei No Slave x One Punch man
2. Garou
3. Male Reader
4. Harem
5. Lewd
6. Romance
7. Monster Association
8. Love
9. Mato
10. Fluff and smut
11. Magic
12. Martial arts
13. Blood and gore
14. Superpowers
15. The eight gods of thunder

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