•Chapter Eight• Living A Nightmare

Start from the beginning

Eyes wide in fear, I nodded once more. Having been physically abused for weeks I knew what these wolves were capable of. Even if he wasn't the one responsible for the abuse of me, I did not want to give Bastian any reason to get his hands on my mother and do to her what was being done to me, or even kill her.

Bastian produced my cell phone from his back pocket and handed it to me. With trembling hands, I unlocked the screen and then press the number one. Within seconds I could hear ringing and I took a deep steadying breath as I brought the phone to my ear. "Aubrielle?" My mother answered on the second ring.

"Hi, mom," It took everything I had not to break down into a sobbing mess upon hearing my mother's voice. I'd missed her so much and the sound of her voice was the sweetest sound I had heard in weeks.

"Oh my goddess, honey. Why haven't you called me, I've been so worried!" Mom cried out, her voice was choked up and I knew that she was likely on the verge of crying.

"I'm sorry mom," Just then I heard Bastian's voice in my mind, and I nearly dropped the phone in surprise.

'Tell her exactly what I say.' I had to remind myself that he had marked me, which meant I would be able to hear any thoughts he sent me.

Because he had marked me, I would be able to hear him mind-link me but I would not be able to mind-link him since I did not mark him. For me to hear and communicate with his pack, a ceremony would have to be held in which he would announce that I am his mate, and once the pack accepts me as one of them, I will acquire the pack link.

Nodding, I repeat all he tells me via mind-link. "Because the pack hasn't had a Luna in years, I have been swamped with work. I have also been in training with a neighboring Luna so I barely have time to breathe. I promise to call once a week, ok?"

"You sound strange," Mom says then. "Maybe I should take time off and come to visit." My heart sunk and I began to feel panicky. Once more Bastian mind-linked me on what to say.

"I'm just tired mom, nothing a good night's sleep won't cure. Please don't come, I won't have time to spend with you and that would make me feel bad," I prayed she would not push it and just let it go.

"Ok honey, but you better call me once a week as you promised or I will be visiting you even if you won't be able to spend time with me. Alright?" I could hear the worry in her voice but she also sounded relieved, which meant she would stay put.

"I will mom," Just then Bastian mind-linked me to tell me to cut the call. "Sorry mom, I have to go now. I promise to call you in one week around the same time. Bye, mom, I love you!"

"Alright honey, I love you too. Bye." I hung up the phone and handed it back to Bastian.

Taking the phone, he nodded approvingly and stood up. "I'm glad you can follow instructions. As long as you continue to follow what I say, you will be allowed to call your mother." Then he steps out of my cell, closing the door behind him. Moments later there was complete silence, followed by darkness as the overhead light cut off.


It's been three months since my first call to mom and I have lost a lot of weight. I had no muscle mass whatsoever to speak of and it was becoming difficult for me to hold anything, even the weight of my cell phone felt as if I were trying to lift a boulder. I am nothing but a shadow of my former self. I remember who I was with so much sadness that I can't hold back tears.

Camille comes to see me either every day or every other day for "our bonding time", as she calls it. I wear a reminder of those moments we spent together. Hundreds of scars litter my body, a permanent reminder of her visits. Today marks one of those visits and all I can do is sit on the dirty floor bleeding and in pain.

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