When You Play with His Hair-

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Derek Shepherd- He LOVES it when you play with his hair. It's like a literal stress reliever for him. Anytime he comes home from work he'll beg you to play with his hair and he'll literally doze off in your arms while you do it.

Alex Karev- His hair isn't that long to play with but you still like to mess with it from time to time. Alex doesn't really mind it either, you mainly do it whenever you're stressed or upset.

George O'Malley- He loves it when you play with his hair. It's calming and relaxing for the both of you especially if you're stressed, anxious or upset.

Preston Burke- Doesn't really have the hair to play/mess with but you like rubbing his head whenever you're bored. He doesn't mind it either tbh, it's relaxing for the both of you really.

Finn Dandridge- Whenever you both can't sleep, Finn will beg you to play with his hair which honestly helps the both of you sleep much better.

Mark Sloan- He doesn't really like when his hair gets messed with because he's a man-whore who's obsessed with his appearance so he barely lets you touch his hair...but of course you like to mess with it when he's not looking just to see his reactions.

Owen Hunt- He loves when you play with his hair. It's short but it also helps ground him and calm him down whenever he's having one of his bad days.

Jackson Avery- Doesn't have the hair but you like messing with it regardless just see him laugh.

(Sorry i'm not dead and have been inactive. Life is shit but what else is new :')

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