
"Hey" you smiled at the guy who was flashing a smile at his phone, laying on his bed as you slowly entered the dorm. You had a whole conversation planned. The one where the answers would come from, all you needed was for it to go according to plan.

"Oh y/n" he smiled, sitting up from the bed as he slowly walked up to you. Smiling, you stood in your place, waiting for him to get to you. With a smile, he didn't hesitate in hugging you, something you hesitated at first but still hugged him back.

The whole hesitation came from the overthinking you have been having not because you feel awkward. It's making you feel so guilty how you are hesitating when you usually don't do it. There was never hesitation when it came to hugging Jimin and now there's a bit and all because of Jungkook.

He's seriously messing with your head.

"You're here early" he pulled away, putting his phone in his back pocket, as he averted his full attention onto you. And there were reasons for your early arrival but you wanted to take things slow, so you won't get straight to the point as much as you want to.

"Yeah I feel quite tired" you smiled, walking over to your side of the dorm as you put your backpack down. At some point the other side of your dorm turned into Jimin's. He would always refuse to go back to his, saying he was much more comfortable here then on his.

However, you didn't mind. Having Jimin over always felt nice, you didn't feel as lonely as you did before, nor as sad as you did. He has come and cured all of those things, which you're very grateful to him for. And even though Jungkook's words are on your mind, you won't let it get to you.

"How about you, how are you feeling?" you asked, taking your shoes off as you looked over to Jimin, while he was walking over to your bed, sitting on it in the process. Shrugging, he looked over to you.

"Good i guess, nothing more" nodding, you placed your shoes on the side of your bed, and with that you sat next to him. Those words you wanted to say were much harder for them to come out. It was much more difficult than you expected.

"Hey Jimin, can I ask you something?" you gulped, averting your eyes elsewhere, not really trying to meet his eyes. You knew that if you did, you would coward up and not say it at all.

"Yeah go for it" the curiosity in his voice could be well heard, and just the way he quickly turned to you just confirmed it. Whenever someone comes up to a person and says those words, you know you aren't expecting quite the friendly talk.

"So um.." you paused, fidgeting with your fingers. "Did you and Jungkook argue?" you asked, finally looking over to him. Those words made his eyebrows immediately shoot up, and for a second he looked surprised. Surprised you asked such a thing. But soon enough his expression went blank.

He quickly looked away from your eyes, making you confused by his sudden behavior. "Uh yeah we did" he quietly said, almost too quiet. "Why?" you softly added, his eyes staying on his lap.

Something about the way he became so quiet was making you suspicious it was giving you different signals. What if the conversation was more heated than you expected it to be or thought about? You didn't put much thought into it, but now you are interested to know.

"Well, i might have heard that you mentioned about the kiss" you slowly said, feeling like cringing at the whole kiss thing. It wasn't that you weren't comfortable mentioning about the kiss, it was just the circumstances that felt wrong.

The kiss was a whole different topic, it was something that had you on cloud nine and higher. Those thoughts were hidden somewhere else, mostly because they weren't friendly at all.

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