Chapter 59

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Kusa, Reimu, Marisa, and Mokou are in the shrine

Kusa is just leaning against Mokou while Reimu is thinking deeply and Marisa is trying to solve a crossword puzzle

Marisa: Reimu... I guess we should talk about it

Reimu: ohh? Do you mean that?!

Marisa: yeah...

Reimu looked at Mokou

Mokou: I guess we could

Kusa: What is this? Are you some sort of a secret meeting?

Marisa: it's about you Kusa

Kusa: What? Did I do something wrong...?

Marisa is hesitating to say it but she held resolution and looked Kusa in the eye

Marisa: you are helping humans too much

Kusa: Yes...?

Reimu: you know the quote you tell me? Give someone a fish and they can fill their stomach in one day but if you teach them how to fish they can feed their selves in a whole lifetime

Kusa nods

Mokou holds Kusa's hands

Mokou: I know that it's hard for you but you need to stop helping them

Kusa is shocked and looked at them

Marisa: if you keep doing this humans will rely on you like a caged pet they rely on you for food and when you are gone they will be helpless

Kusa: but-

Reimu: you are not going to exist forever you are already aware of that... everything has a limitation Kusa

Mokou: you have to carry everything by yourself Kusa... trying to help humanity

Mokou: when in fact you have no responsibility to do so

Marisa: of course because of that responsibility you are staring and thinking a lot more and the carefree you are slowly disappearing and the bright smile is getting rarer

Reimu: and we don't want that... the very person who we fall in love with the cheerful person who always being cheerful and the person who makes our lives full of colors

Mokou: we want you back Kusa

Kusa is shocked and realized it is almost too late and she started tearing up

Mokou, Reimu, and Marisa hugs her and she started crying


In the dream realm

Kusa and Doremy are sitting beside each other on the vast grassy plains

Kusa: always think that the greater the power the greater the responsibility is...

Kusa: but in reality, if you have no responsibility, to begin with, why would you make one...

Kusa: I'm foolish and acted selfishly I just helped then and didn't realize what will happen in the future

Kusa: helping is a one-time thing because it doesn't help if you do it often

Kusa: its called being a reliance

Kusa: not making humanity do anything more but eat my fruits will surely rely on me and be miserable when I'm gone

Kusa: and I'm very sorry Doremy for brushing this kind of topic whenever you bring it up

Doremy: don't worry about it I'm glad that you have been awakened by the truth because if it's too late I will make sure to wake you up forcefully

Kusa: thanks...

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