Chapter 2

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Since that incident, I don't know how many days have passed since

Their bones are underneath me and I don't know what to feel about it

The fairies are still playing around like their lifestyle

It's currently autumn and the leaves are turning into orange and red colours

The grass surrounding me is unbothered by the change of the season

It seems I won't die in winter

Also, the fairies that are coloured red doesn't appear much

Well this seems I've become truly a hermit of some kind


Winter is here

As expected I didn't die

The fairies turn blue and for some reason, a big fairy can be seen often sleeping in my grass


'Daiyousei!, I didn't think you are coming here just to find me'

'Why are you here?'

'Look at what I found this grass isn't dying in this cold weather!'

'And the grass is very fluffy too'

'Let me sleep too!'

A green-haired fairy that is taller than this blue one

So it seems they are greater fairies

'Isn't that kind of odd that this grass isn't withering it's been cold and I doubt this grass can drink water with this kind of weather

'It's very simple Dai-chan... this plant is fake'

'I see as expected of Cirno'

Excuse me? Who is the fake grass!!!

Let me fight you, you ice fairy kid!!!

"The tall grass moving violently but they didn't notice it"

'I will claim this as my territory! If someone will take this spot I will freeze them!!!'

Who wants to be under you!!!

'But what will happen to your territory on the lake?'

'Ah! You are right, this spot is far from the lake...'

'It can't be helped the lake is much better than this secluded spot, let's go Daiyousei let's find someone to fight with!'


Go away and don't come back!!!

"The two fairy leaves the fuming grass"


Another animal?

"It's a white deer looking at the green tall plant"

I guess deer meat isn't bad


It's spring now!!!

And I'm still a fking plant!!!!


But seriously that doesn't mean I didn't do anything else

I can now understand the plants

Not understanding like communication but I understand their intention

It's more like a series of codes entering my brain and I comprehend it

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