Chapter 53

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Marisa, Kusa, and Reimu are talking while Mokou is playing with Futo on goldfish scooping

Marisa: I see...

Reimu: I guess we should expect that this incident will come to a close...

Marisa: also it's a good thing that you have apologised to Futo

Kusa: I can't help it she is cute to tease

Kusa: but I guess I should tone out a bit

Marisa: I'm glad you-

Kusa: I have a list of people to annoy after all

Marisa just looked blankly at Kusa while Reimu just smiles wryly

Futo and Mokou arrived

Futo: Look! I caught a goldfish by myself!!!

Kusa: isn't that great!

Kusa pats Futo in the head while futo just giggles in response

Futo: wait! I'm not a child!!!

All: (you act like one though)

The three sweatdrop at Futo's remarks because her action and words don't match


The four of them continued to walk to find Kokoro and Koishi but because of Kusa's ability they immediately got reunited

Kusa: Kokoro!

Kokoro who is talking with Koishi with a mask on suddenly pushes her mask beside her face revealing her emotionless face

Kokoro: Kusa

Kusa: meet my wives!

Kusa: The red one that has the shrine maiden outfit is Reimu

Kusa: the one that has a broom and wears white and black clothes is Marisa

Kusa: the person who has many ribbons on her hair is Mokou

Kokoro looked at them curiously

Kokoro: Kokoro Hata, nice to meet you

Marisa: likewise!

Reimu: nice to meet you too

Mokou: Nice to meet you

Kusa: and my daughter Futo

Futo: who wants you to be their mother!!!

Kusa: many to count, to be honest...

Koishi: I'm one of them!

Futo: ehh?!

Kusa: well... We should not delve deeper into that topic

Kusa: well Kokoro did you finish your clean up?

Kokoro: yeah... And I meet some stronger ones

Kusa: I guess it's Miko and Hijiri

Kusa: by the way Reimu where are you when the incident is happening?

Reimu: I have been napping in the shrine

Marisa: while I am finding you left and right with Mokou

Mokou: I didn't open my stall because of it

Kusa: I'm sorry...

Marisa: I don't accept it

Mokou: me too

Kusa: ehhh?!!! Why?!

Marisa: you have to fulfil our request right Mokou?

Mokou nods

Kusa: fine ill do anything!

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