Chapter 44

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Cirno seems happily freezing the entire lake because she is bored when she hears bullets hitting a wooden object

Cirno: what is that noise?

Cirno flies towards the location of that sound and sees her house getting hit by the barrages of bullets

Cirno: What are you guys doing!!!

The ones that release the bullets are the three mischievous fairies

Sunny: We are doing recruitment!

Cirno: why?

Luna: we want to terrorist the humans!

Cirno: You three?

The three fairy nods

Cirno: then what is the connection of your recruitment to my house?!

Sunny: you see we will force fairies to join us so we must show our strength, that's why we have to destroy this house to prove we are the strongest!

Star: A great fairy war to prove who is the strongest

Cirno seemed angry with their actions

Cirno: then let me show you who is the strongest fairy!

When Cirno looks again she saw them disappeared

Cirno: I should look at my house first before pursuing them

Cirno enters her house and it looks fine except for the picture frame that falls on the ground

Cirno: hmm?

The picture is Kusa's first Human form and in her arms is Cirno smiling

Cirno: if I remember correctly Aya took this photo when she got that device

Cirno puts the picture frame back

Cirno: Kusa is surely reliable she made the house super sturdy as expected of my greatest rival

Cirno: I should teach those Fairies who's the strongest one!!!

Cirno flies finding the fairy's initial direction

When she meets Daiyousei

Cirno: did you see those three fairies Dai-chan?

Daiyousei: my apologies Cirno-sama but I have to not let you pass

Cirno: so you are colluding with them!!!

Cirno: take this!

Cirno shoots ice needles towards Daiyousei

Daiyousei shots bullets toward cirno but because of the needles all of the bullets are being neutralized

Daiyousei: Ahhh!!!

Daiyousei falls to the ground

Cirno: don't look down on me because I'm the strongest!

Cirno flies away continues to find the three fairies

Cirno: what?!

Cirno evades the flower bullets and saw Letty

Letty: spring has arrived~

Cirno: it's obvious!!!

Cirno gathers ice particles into both of her hands

Cirno: (Kusa tells me this technique it's called Ice beam what is the chant again?)

Cirno: Ka.... me... Ha... Me...

Letty seemed surprised and wants to run

Cirno: WAVE!!!!!

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