Chapter 9

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In the Hakurei shrine, a tiny girl is mending the rundown shrine and making it looks new

Kusa: I can only help with the woodworks but I can't help you with the tiles

Reimu is very happy and hugging Kusa tightly

Kusa: too tight...

Reimu: ah! Sorry I'm just excited to see that the shrine looks new now

Reimu: Now I don't have to worry about the leaks and having the shrine falls if an Earthquake happens

Kusa: glad I could help...

Reimu: what do you want to eat?

Kusa: Hmm? I didn't think you have food here because your shrine has no visitors from what I see

Reimu: sometimes money appears in my shrine surroundings, some are gifted by Marisa and some are from the request that I complete...

Kusa: I see...

Reimu grabs a plate of bread and Kusa slowly eats them

Kusa: bread... the first time I eat human food for a long while

Reimu: How did you manage to fill yourself?

Kusa: mostly fruits and meat, but eating isn't really necessary because I'm a plant spirit

Reimu: I find your species a bit confusing... you aren't a yokai, a ghost, nor a god

Kusa: Hmm... you can treat me like the avatar of the world

Kusa: though mostly I'm incomplete

Reimu: eh? So you mean you aren't in your peak state yet?

Kusa: far from it... honestly I can't imagine myself to be complete

Reimu: Why?

Kusa: I don't know what is the requirements to be complete, so I'm just idling my time to be complete

Reimu: what will happen if you didn't manage to be complete?

Kusa: I'll disappear

Reimu: did Marisa knows about this?

Kusa: She already knows it... she is quite sharp even though if she doesn't look like it

Reimu: is that so...

Kusa sighs and finished the bread

Kusa: Here is my donation

Kusa conjures a very large basket that has tons of different fruits

Reimu: Eh?!

Kusa: just to say thank you for the hospitality

Kusa left the shrine and walked away peacefully

When she goes to a great distance and she stops

Kusa: so... what is your business with me, Miss Yukari?

A gap appears in front of her

with golden eyes and long blonde hair. She carries a pink lace parasol and a paper fan and rides on a red gap that leads to an unknown destination. She wears a deep purple dress, a pale pink mob cap with a thin red ribbon and smaller ribbons tied liberally on her accessories and the tips of her hair.

Yukari: my... I didn't think you are aware of me

Kusa: the plants told me after all

Yukari: despite being a new one you holds more knowledge than anyone already...

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