Chapter 7

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This fanfic seems to gain traction... I thought it will take a month to hit 100 views... (yes that's how low my standard is and I admit that I'm struggling to write this fanfic...)

It's been several weeks since then and the tiny girl can be seen hanging out with Marisa more often

More like Marisa drags Kusa Into her shenanigans like Yokai extermination, borrowing things and messing with the shrine maiden


In the Scarlet Mansion Library

Marisa can be seen fighting with Patchouli when a flower arrives in front of Marisa

She smiles and runs away

Patchouli: That's odd... she can't retreat easily without taking something, and also why is there a flower inside of the mansion

Koakuma: Ah!!!!

Patchouli floats towards the scream

Patchouli: what's wrong Koakuma?

Koakuma: the shelf here suddenly dissapears

The neatly rowed shelves has a space missing between them


Koauma: Patchouli-sama!!!


In the forest clearing a tiny girl, a blonde Magician, a giant shelf is there

Marisa keep kissing Kusa in the face

Kusa: stop it!

Kusa pushes Marisa's face away

Marisa: Don't be like that Kusa you helped me a lot

Kusa: I don't need your thanks I feel bad for the library owner

Marisa: Don't worry I will return them

Kusa: (I doubt it)

Marisa: How did you manage to move the whole shelf here?

Kusa: the shelf is made of wood and the books too...

Kusa: I absorb them inside then put them outside

Marisa: So you can only store things if it's wood?

Kusa: Yes...

Marisa: let me browse some books that I like and you return the rest

Kusa: Yes?

Marisa: my house is full of stuff and I can't put a giant shelf inside of it

Kusa: make sense


Marisa: I've picked about 10 books so you should put back the rest

Kusa: okay

The books shelves dissapears and becomes green lights and started to assimilate with Kusa

Marisa: then hop in

Kusa: no thanks I want to walk for a little while

Marisa: then let me accompany you

Kusa: no it's fine I think you have an important thing to do right?

Marisa: ah!! Right I'm sorry I can't accompany you

Kusa: it's fine I agree to do it after all

Marisa: then see you later Kusa!

The magician dissapears

Petal has fallen near Kusa

Kusa: it's been five years since I've reincarnated into this world

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