Chapter 49

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Reimu: wow this place is so big and shiny!

Marisa: still does this house is under the shrine?

Miko: nope... you can think of it as a different dimension that can reach anywhere

Kusa: then can you use this as an instant transporter?

Miko: please don't... I could but it won't be for free though

Kusa: Miko transportation services

Miko: don't make it like that's my goal!

Kusa: it isn't?!!

Miko: *sigh*

Marisa: I know how it feels

Reimu: you'll get used to it

Miko: thanks for the consolidation... Well, let me introduce you to the world of hermits!

Miko: we have rooms that can be changed according to the resident wishes but ultimately those only who is fully a hermit can go into the never endings rooms

Kusa: Heaven for shut-ins but I guess Hermit are people that want to reach immortality so Immortal World?

Miko: Senkai!

Kusa: I guess that's better

Reimu: Senkai huh...

Marisa: I guess it fits then should we look into the rooms?

Miko: I guess but it's very empty though

Kusa: so you invite us because you want to show off?

Miko: no... I invite you all here because I'm going to teach you how to prolong your life!

Kusa: I'm a full immortal though...

Miko: what?!

Kusa: Despite how I always carry myself I have stepped into godhood

Miko: then you need faith?

Kusa: nope... If the world doesn't explode then I will not die

Kusa: enough about me... Maybe Reimu and Marisa can learn about it

Miko looks at the two of them

Reimu: I mean I could try

Marisa: me too!

Marisa, Reimu, and Kusa are currently in the shrine lazing around because nothing notable happened when suddenly

Sanae: Did you hear?!

the door opens revealing Sanae

The group didn't react to it because it's almost very common for to people suddenly barge inside the shrine while abusing the poor door

Reimu: Nope

Sanae: they said Myouren Temple has made a move

Marisa: did it finally transform?!!

Sanae: not like that kind of move

Marisa: aw...

Kusa: I could make it transform

Marisa: Really?!

Kusa: of course if they will agree to it

Marisa: then I'll make sure to agree with me!

Sanae: please don't casually flirt in front of me

Reimu: I agree

Sanae looked at Reimu very intensely

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