Chapter 22

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Due to the cloudy sky and there's no sign of sun today Kusa can be seen very jolly like a drunkard

Kusa: Today is a great day~

Kusa: No sun and no bees~

Kusa: truly fascinating~

Kusa stops skipping and looks down in the ground and she seems to have a mental breakdown

Kusa: I feel like going insane...

Kusa: where is the sun!!!!

Kusa: I can feel its presence but the clouds hiding it!

Kusa stops shouting and her face becomes happy again

Kusa: well whatever~

She started skipping like its nothing


Yuuka can be seen watching the flowers and walking around the field

She seems getting annoyed by something that she grits her teeth

Yuuka: Can you not stare so much!!!

Yuuka shouted to another green-haired girl far away

Kusa: why~?

Yuuka: it makes me uncomfortable!

Kusa: heh~

Kusa appears near Yuuka and stares at Yuuka face to face

Yuuka: what is wrong with you?!!!

Kusa: nothing~ it's just you are quite a beautiful person~

Yuuka pushes Kusa away

Yuuka: don't come closer!

Kusa: ehh?~ what are you doing?~

Yuuka: none of your business

Yuuka walks away but Kusa follows her and stares at her

Yuuka is getting irritated by Kusa's actions so she gathered her power to blast Kusa far away

Kusa sees this and decided to grab Yuuka's hand and bit it



The weird silence continues until a green-haired girl can be seen getting tossed away in the sky


Keine can be seen teaching the children in the village in her classroom but it seems she is unnerved by something

A green-haired girl can be seen watching her from the ceiling attracting the attention of the children

Keine: Uhm... Kusa, can you please act like a normal person?

Kusa: I'm just a grass~? why would I be a person~?

Keine: what I meant can you sit down in the tatami not hanging from the ceiling

Kusa: Vines can be often seen hanging~ treat me as a vine~

Keine: please do what I said or I'll personally make you sit down

Kusa: Scary!~

Kusa jumps down and sits near to a random little girl

Keine: thank you... now let's continue!

Keine thinks the class is proceeding smoothly but because of a certain someone she is sweating so hard from being stared at

Keine: now the class is finished you can go home now

Students: thank you, teacher!

Keine grabs her handkerchief but a certain someone is still staring at her.

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