Chapter 19

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I'm starting to upload Peaceful life on Webnovel... And ohh boy... The Wattpad format isn't going to cut it

Heck all of my stories aren't going to fit in since I can't describe things and I rely on images too much


Kusa, Marisa, and Reimu can be seen in the shrine

Reimu: it seems that the people coming here has significantly lowered

Reimu: and I don't know why...

Marisa: Huh? Kusa improves the path towards here and you are popular in the village, it's impossible for them to not go here... because of wine

Reimu: That's why it's suspicious

Kusa is playing with a vine

Kusa: (it seems the shrine in the mountain wants the Hakurei shrine to be shut down)

Kusa: this seems troubling

A voice can be heard outside

Sanae: Hello!

Reimu: Hmm?

They go outside and see a girl that Wears a blue and white outfit similar to a shrine maiden with light blue polka dots and stripes covering the blue areas. Has long light green hair, and green eyes

▪︎Sanae Kochiya - Power to cause miracles to occur, Strength, Miracle Manipulation▪︎

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▪︎Sanae Kochiya - Power to cause miracles to occur, Strength, Miracle Manipulation▪︎

Sanae: I just want to say that please shut down your shrine or else it will be torn down that's all

The girl started to leave the shrine...

Kusa: what a nice messenger...

Marisa: but the message isn't nice at all

Reimu: Huh?! Closing the shrine down?!!

Reimu: did she think that the shrine is for decoration? The shrine is important to maintain the Hakurei Barrier!

Marisa: so we beat them up?

Reimu: Of course!!! you can't just say rude things without expecting something rude will not come back to you!

Kusa: I'm dead tired at the Moment maybe I'm just-

Marisa: Nope, you are coming with me

Kusa sighs and she turned back to her tiny form

Reimu: do you know where she came from Kusa?

Kusa: it's from the mountain

Reimu: Let's go!

The two girls fly towards the mountain


Kusa: okay They know that we are coming so they sent some fairies towards us?

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