*End Jin's thoughts*

I quietly close the door and walk to my room, trying to ignore the noises I can hear from his room, and I slowly make my way to my room. I get in and lock the door. I get my iPod and listen to Hollywood Undead full blast through my headphones to drown out the image and noise.
I cry quietly, face down on my pillow, as I feel my heart shatter. I grieve for the relationship that's now lost, the lost future I dreamt of. I remember life before when they were together and how she would be abusive to me. I search addresses before outright buying a property and then text Sihyuk.

Me: I think it is for the best that I move out. I've brought a home on Hwasa's street. Under no circumstances can this address be given out, not even to my family or BTS 🤫 I will give it to people as I deem necessary 😊 I'll start packing and moving things tonight and order furniture for arrival next week 💪 BTS do not know I am moving out, but if they ask then we can tell them that this is part of the plan regarding my debut as an idol. I'd rather not discuss with anyone the reason I am leaving 🤫
I pack up my clothes, bed linen, and towels and leave the suitcases in the walk-in wardrobe.
PD: Sejin will bring you a company van. He doesn't know why you need it. Has something happened between you and the members? 😥

As much as I want to tell him yes, I can't because it's not my news to share.
Me: No, things are fine with BTS; however, I feel it's time that I take this step and live separately, as it's not really appropriate that a woman lives with 7 men as an idol. What if I'm on a V Live, and they go past the room talking about inappropriate things? 🙈 I need my own space so that I can be free to be creative. The house I've brought has 5 bedrooms, 2 reception rooms, 2 studios and a garden 😁 I can transform bedrooms and the basement into the home studio and an art room while having a study for fan interaction and a study for my story writing. It's all planned out! 🥳

PD: Ok, if this is what you want then I support you. I knew that you are organised and we're saving but 🤯 I wasn't expecting you to get a place outright!
I'm glad he isn't putting up a fight. Probably just happy I brought the place myself.
Me: I also want to quit being part of the camera crew and just focus on being an artist, as I don't want to stretch myself too thin
PD: I understand. I assumed that this would be the inevitable decision you made and I'm glad you are choosing to progress yourself. I have some modelling and actress offers for you to look through by the way in case you are interested

Me: I'll take a look and see what I can fit in. Thank you for accepting my decisions. I appreciate your faith in me
Sejin texts me
Sejin: Van is outside for you to use when ready
Me: Thank you
I take a headphone out to hear someone banging frantically at my door. I go unlock it to see a panicked Hobi. I ask, "What's wrong, Hobi?"
He sighs and rasps out with relief, "I've been here 15 minutes. We were starting to worry about you, noona."

I mumble apologetically, "Sorry, Hobi. I'm listening to rap metal from my iPod, so I hear nothing. What's the problem?"
He informs me, "Jin has an announcement. You still need to play me some of that music style! I still haven't listened to it yet, but it sounds interesting."
I take a deep breath and mumble, "I'll come down."
Hobi frowns at me and asks, "What's wrong, noona? You've been crying!"
I shake my head and deflect, "I think I'm just exhausted from today. I performed on the streets for 5 hours."
Hobi smiles and coos, "You will get used to the exhaustion and stop feeling it soon enough" I nod, forcing a smile.

I get downstairs and see Jin. He pulls me aside, seemingly giddy, and compliments, "The painting is amazing."
I smile weakly and reply, "Thanks, Jin. Apparently, you have an announcement."
He nods and pleads, "I hope you will understand"
I reply with strain, choking back tears, "I support you, Jin."
He hugs me, cooing, "You're my best friend, Yunmi" I feel tears prickle in my eyes, and my heart constricts with emotional pain, but he doesn't notice in his own world of blissful excitement.
He gains everyone's attention and says excitedly, "I have an announcement to make. I am now dating Seulgi."

Stay - BTS Jin FFWhere stories live. Discover now