"We watched you die" Echo agreed

"Looks like Leoni's not the only one who can't be killed" Clarke smiled

"It's hard to keep the Blake's down" Octavia agreed and went to hug her brother but all the guards raised their guns and Octavia backed off again. All the while Leoni and Bellamy kept looking at each other. The blonde didn't know what to feel

"the gate was already opened when the blast went off. me and one of the disciples fell through, i've spent the last year trying to get back to you and now...now i have" Bellamy explained briefly

"Tell-tell me something that only you would know" she demanded shakily

"Ok..." he thought for a minute and Leoni nearly died at the sound of his voice
"light bulbs freak you out because you don't understand how they just run out of light-" that was enough. Leoni ran towards him not caring who dared to aim their guns at her. She jumped into his arms and just like before his clicked right into place on her waist

"I got you back" she laughed into him, tears flowing like never before

"Let her go she has the key" Bill ordered his guards who were gearing up to shoot the blonde

"The key is the flame. They think it's still in my head don't say anything it's our way out of here" Leoni whispered before leaning back and kissing him gently. She smiled up at him, thumbing his cheeks

"I hope that now you'll help us Miss Kane. No one else has to die" Bill said calmly
"You see each death is a child of earth who won't transcend" he explained
"I'll give you some time to reunite" he nodded and went to leave
"We'll make some preparations" and he started to walk out with his guards

"Your back i though I lost you i-" Leoni cried with happiness but it was short lived

"My Shepard" Bellamy called on the older man and Leoni's smile dropped completely
"You should know that Leoni doesn't have the flame anymore. It was destroyed not too long ago" he gave up their entire leverage to the enemy
"I'm so sorry" he sighed

"No" Leoni sobbed and stumbled back into Miller who caught her with ease
"What did you do to him WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY HUSBAND!" She charged at Bill but Bellamy quickly caught her.

"Lee, no" he told her

"It's ok I'll save you-WHAT DID YOU DO-"

"Nothing! I saw the light Leoni they did nothing" he tried to assure her, holding her cheeks in his hands and she instinctively grabbed onto his wrists

"Bellamy" she whined begging for all this to be a dream

"It seems we have some things to discuss...Bellamy" the Shepard called on him and with one last emotionless look Bellamy left and Leoni collapsed to the ground, Octavia quick to fall at her side and console the girl. Leoni didn't even cry. She just felt so useless. Like she'd lost him again

"We're moving you to separate cells let's go" one of the guards ordered and a group started to escort them to different rooms, same as before, everyone in pairs except Leoni who was confined alone. So completely alone. She sat on the pathetic bed with her head in her hands, utterly devastated. She prayed in that moment. To Becca to her sister to the flame. Anything and anyone she believed in really. She just wanted her life back. Her husband and daughters. She sat like that for hours until the doors opened. The blonde didn't even look up she stayed seated and didn't acknowledge the presence. What she would've seen was a clean shaven Bellamy dressed in the same white robes that the disciples wore, standing before her

"Still so beautiful" he cooed from where he stood. A shiver ran down Leoni's spine but she couldn't bring herself to look at the boy
"Look Lee I've been to the others already there's no nice way to put this. You're to be executed in the morning. However I told them about Maddie and everyone else back in Sanctum-"

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