For Wonkru

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When dark fell Leoni was still with Octavia in one of the few stone buildings that still remained

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When dark fell Leoni was still with Octavia in one of the few stone buildings that still remained. they stood side by side, Octavia's head leaning on Leoni's shoulder in silence just getting used to one another again, getting back in sync. then an explosion went off making them both tense. neither jumped, just came to grips with what was happening. their silence being disrupted

"i knew we shouldn't have trusted them" Octavia muttered before getting up and walking out Leoni by her side. Bellamy cut in front of them hoping to preserve the peace.

"stay calm here-" Bellamy said sincerely

"this is way out of your jurisdiction Blake" Leoni laughed manically as she slipped into warrior mode ready to retaliate. Bellamy went to argue but Octavia silenced him. when they got to where the water fountain had been blown up

"sorry about your pretty fountain but that's only half our power. you don't want to see what this does to human flesh" Diyoza called out. Leoni pushed past the crowd making her way to the front with Octavia
"i'm well aware most of you are armed. anyone moves for a weapon we'll shoot" she calls and Leoni clenched her jaw.

"hey what the hell do you think you're doing! one call from me and-" Bellamy tried to threaten

"make your call" Diyoza said and Leoni's stomach sank like a rock

"Raven come in you read me?" Bellamy said through the radio. Leoni watched Diyoza's smirk

"what did you do" she sneered

"the deals off" the colonel shrugged
"that doesn't mean anyone has to get hurt. where's the doctor" she asked

"no. she's our doctor you can't have her" Octavia said stepping forward

"she asked you a question" Mcreary said

"and Bloodreina answered" Leoni stepped up beside Octavia who looked at the blonde in slight surprise

"where is the doctor" Mcreary asked again. the whole miner army started to advance with their guns and fancy weapons. Wonkru started to advance as well. Leoni held up a single fist making everyone on her side stop

"i'm right here" Abby called out walking forward.
"we'll come without violence" Abby said walking through the crowd with Kane. Leoni felt instantly betrayed

"oh i bet you will" Octavia scoffed

"we?" Diyoza asked

"both of us" Abby gestured to her partner while he locked eyes with his daughter

"what did they do" Leoni asked Octavia quietly

"stole medicine. now they're trying to save their own asses by avoiding the fighting pit" Octavia replied and Leoni nodded. her father never told her that.

"take them both" Diyoza demanded and the two were escorted away. Leoni's face was one of betrayal as she watched her father leave willingly

"i love you Leoni" Kane called out but Leoni shook her head

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