Yeah I didn't read that babes

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Leoni stood tall beside her commander as Clarke, Kane and Abby entered the tent

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Leoni stood tall beside her commander as Clarke, Kane and Abby entered the tent. Kane looked to his daughter but she didn't meet his eyes. Leoni had other things on her mind. Too many to worry about the look her father was throwing her. Leoni's eyes were stuck on Clarke and Clarke only. Her stab wound was still healing under her clothing but she didn't give Clarke the satisfaction of knowing she was in desperate pain.

"Finn's body will be given to the remaining people of Tondc since Clarke took away their justice." Lexa ordered emotionless

"No! No way! He deserves a funeral!" Abby argues

"He's one of ours we should get the body!" Kane seconds

"He deserves nothing! What he's getting is more than generous! Clarke stabbed Leok and denied us our justice! You're just lucky the Haiplana is feeling merciful" Indra snapped back. Leoni grabbed the woman's bicep and shook her head silently telling her to back off

"Absolutely not! You want a truce? You give us the body!" Abby growled. Leoni watched it all unfold but most of all she watched how Lexa and Clarke looked at each other.

"Fine" Clarke said finally
"They can have the body" she clarified

"Good. Once the ritual is over we will talk about getting all of our people out of mount weather," Lexa ordered and signalled for them to leave. Once they did Leoni left as well and walked over to Raven who was crying over Finn's lifeless body. She recognised her from the tent back in the original camp except this girl didn't have the smug look of someone who knew what she was doing. Instead she wore a look of heartbreak and loss.

"Raven?" Leoni asked carefully

"Leave! He wouldn't want you here and neither do I!" Raven snapped. Leoni kneeled beside her regardless. People didn't tell her no, it just never really happened

"I have something for you from Finn" Leoni sighed looking down at the boy. It helped that he at least looked peaceful

"What?" Raven looked to the girl in shock

"He gave me this for you, a letter a believe" Leoni held out the piece of paper. Raven opened it and read it as fast as she could. Raven brought a hand to her mouth to stifle a sob and Leoni placed a hand on her shoulder in comfort. Raven however totally misread the gesture because the next thing Leoni knew Raven was sobbing in her arms. Leoni hesitated out of shock before hugging her back. This whole touching thing seemed to be normal amongst sky people so Leoni held Raven tighter. Raven pressed into Leoni's stab wound but the girl didn't flinch in fear of giving Raven the wrong impression.

"Thank you" the girl managed to muster between sobs

"I'm gonna look after you" Leoni ran her fingers through Raven's long hair
"Nothing is going to hurt you anymore" The warrior promised. Raven pulled away after some time when she saw Clarke coming towards her

"I'm gonna go with the should stay and work on the radio" Clarke ordered Raven, not daring to meet Leoni's gaze

"No! I'm coming!" Raven insisted as she stood up with Leoni's help

"I don't think that's a good idea-"

"Shut the hell up Clarke!" Leoni groaned but Clarke didn't leave
"Get the hell out of here you manipulative little psychopath! You stab me, stab him, what's next?" Leoni laughed in a way that said what don't you get?! Clarke looked at Leoni, tears filling her eyes.

"I did what I thought was right" Clarke justified

"You killed him!" Raven growled
"You killed him and you're lucky I don't kill you!" Raven lurched towards Clarke but Leoni held her back

"He would have suffered a lot longer!" Clarke tried to explain

"Just leave Clarke or I'll kill you never mind Raven!" Leoni spat even through the pain she could glare daggers. She then began helping Raven to the rest of the people who were going to Tondc. She never left the girl's side. they walked side by side not saying much.

"he saved my life!" Raven muttered after some time
"and Clarke took his" she glared daggers towards Clarke

"Raven" Leoni started carefully, she didn't understand why Raven hated Clarke but began to love her


"why don't you hate me...i was part of the decision and i didn't try to stop it." Leoni looked at Raven for her reaction and much to her surprise Raven laughed

"the note!" Raven answered as if it was obvious

"yeah i didn't read that babes" Leoni laughed lightly in confusion

"here" Raven handed the note to Leoni and she u folded it carefully and began to read

'My Raven,

if you're reading this i'm gone. i know you're probably blaming yourself but please don't! this is not your fault it is my decision based on the consequences of my actions you'll be hurting now and i am sorry Raven i truly am! remember it's ok to grieve and please accept help. i want you to know i love you and even if i'm not physically there i'm with you always! my life has been hard but you made the whole thing worth it! now finally i want you promise me one thing. let Leoni love you. she's strong, i've not known for long but i can already tell you two will get along. she saved my life before and i know she'll save yours. help her and let her help you Raven. you're strong, brave, loyal, amazing and so so beautiful!
i love you Raven

Leoni sighed as she finished the letter. it was clear her loved her and in return Leoni would fill that gap

"wow" she whispered
"that's amazing" she handed the letter back to Raven who tucked it away for safe keeping

"i just can't believe i won't even get to bury him!" Raven's voice began to tremble

"hey Raven" Leoni pulled the girl to a stop
"look i know this isn't ideal but it's a beautiful ceremony regardless. you're here, you're going to see him off, that's all he would want" Leoni assured. Raven pulled her into another hug and Leoni knew that this would be a common occurrence

"ok let's go" she took a deep breathe and they continued walking. Leoni clutched her stomach discreetly not wanting to show where Clarke had stabbed her. But hiding your weaknesses doesn't make them go away.

So Leoni has taken on Raven...this friendship is going to be awesome!
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i'd also like to take this platform to offer my deepest condolences to

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