Chapter 24:- Lucas is going to be mine!!

Start from the beginning

What is happening here?

"I won, I won now you are going to buy me the Louis Vuitton handbag we talked about." Sanvi happily exclaimed. She looked very proud and gave me a look of appreciation.

Why is she appreciating me?

"But how can you be right? He is my best friend from diapers for f**k sake.." Eli horrifically questioned.

While I just stared at them in confusion..

What exactly is happening?

"Yeah you are his bff from diapers, but I am a Psychiatrist, it's my job to immediately recognise ones behaviour and personality." Sanvi smugly informed. While Eli started sulking yet again.

"What the f**k are you both talking about?" I questioned them in irritation.
Eli shot me a look of betrayal and huffed.

Is he even for real?

"Oh! Actually one day ,out of the blue, we both came to a different opinion about you, I said that you were a mother hen, but Eli laughed it off saying that you are not, and after hardworking and tricking you many times,but still we couldn't come to the conclusion. If you really are a mother hen or not. That day we made a bet, if I won, he would get me a new Louis Vuitton handbag, if he won then I would have to get him a Jacket from Louis Vuitton. After so many failed tries, *Huff* today you yourself proved me right that you are a mother hen, so I won." Sanvi proudly exclaimed and stuck her tongue out at Eli. Who scowled at her and glared at me.

On the other hand I was shook to the core. What the f*****g hell?
What are they even talking about?

Me, The Lucas Xavier Knight a mother hen?
Are they for real now?

They bloody bet on it too.

Hey lord!! Is it too late to change some of my foolish decisions...

It's more than late,you cannot do anything about them, although they aren't wrong as you chided at them not long ago to sleep as one's Mama would do,so.... My conscience commented thoughtfully..

Can I kill my conscience?

Good luck with that.
As you will kill yourself in the process.. my conscience nonchalantly muttered.

F*****g hell!!

What did I land myself into!!

I glared daggers at both my Wife and Bestfriend.

Some samples I have got!!

"GO TO YOUR ROOMS RIGHT NOW!!" I shouted dangerously .
They both flinched a little and nodded and scurried away.

"I am saying you he is more of a Warden then a Mother hen, "

"No he is a Mother hen not a Warden, I know how Wardens are okay,this is not how they behave, also don't forget that you have to buy me a Handbag."

"Whatever, when we both are free, we can schedule our shopping date. Goodnight Anabelle."

"Goodnight Mickey!!"

These both were whispering according to them, which I totally didn't hear. As I was deaf at that moment.
I sighed helplessly and plopped on the couch and petted King.

He is the only one who doesn't gives me Panic attacks or Headache. My good boy.


Am I behaving like a Mother hen?
I scowled with my eyebrows furrowed
No.. no way, I didn't..
Hm, I nodded to myself, I stood up and made my way upstairs..

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