My best friend and our act

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"No no no!"

Everyone on stage stopped and looked towards the director.

"Sakura! We need less screeching!" The director yelled at Sakura, making her face heat up. "Okay, start from the beginning!"

Everyone ran to their places.


"Extra, extra! Best paps in town!" Henry called out waving the latest newspaper around.

"Newsies! We could use some!" Emma called over the newsies.

Henry and his friend, Albert, make their way towards the girls that called them, that just so happened to me a match girl company.

"Hey Albert." An angelic voice said.

Albert turned his attention to see Elizabeth. "Oh! Hey Elizabeth, how have you been?"

"I'm doing great!" Elizabeth said with a smile, looking Albert in the eyes. "How's being a newsie?"

Albert gave a small laugh, " probably better than being a match girl."

"Hey it's not that bad!" Elizabeth fought back, lightly hitting Alberts arm.

While that is happening Claire, Emma and Albert are doing business. Claire looks over, seeing Elizabeth and Albert flirting.

"Hey Elizabeth!" Claire said, running over.

While Emma and Henry slowly make their way off stage. Claire, Elizabeth and Albert have a conversation.

"Yes." Elizabeth asked.

"Could you grab more match fluid, I think we are running out." Claire stated, looking over to Albert.

"Ya sure! Albert could you come with?" Elizabeth asked, turning her attention towards Albert again.

"Sorry I ca-"

The line was interrupted by a series of coughing from the actor.

"Itachi!" The director yelled, making Itachi turn towards him. "Please find a solution for this coughing problem! Or we'll have your brother replace you!"

"Yes sir!" Itachi replied, giving a quick bow.

"Start from where we left off!"

"And Action!"

"Sorry I can't, I'll get in trouble if I do." Albert replied, getting ready to go after Henry.

"Right alright!" Elizabeth said, patting down her dress.

"I'll walk with you for a bit!" Claire said, leaving Albert no room for arguing.

"Elizabeth." Emma called as she walked into view.

"Hey Emma. Think you could help me, I need to get lighter fluid." Elizabeth asked, motioning towards the closet.

"Of course!" Emma said in a fake cheerful voice.

"Alright! Alright!" The director called out interrupting the actors. "Naruto, Itachi, Kiba, Neji! In front of me on stage now!"

Naruto turned to face the director more, already being on stage, Itachi, Kiba, and Neji came running on stage, standing next to Naruto.

"Let's get to the second to last scene!" The director commanded.

They all immediately went into positions.

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