Yoongi asks, "Why are you scared of the stage?"
I tense as I remember what I overheard back in my school days and the taunts and jibes of the teachers and students. I mumble, ashamed, "I'm not pretty enough to be an idol, and revealing outfits make me uncomfortable, so visually, I wouldn't be appealing, so I wouldn't have many fans, and I might get lots of hate."
Yoongi asks in confusion, "What makes you think you aren't pretty?"
I give him the side-eye and ask, "Do you remember our school days?"

He nods and voices with certainty, "You hung out with Jin while I played basketball."
I sigh and say, "You never heard the girls and the cruelty they dished out. The teachers were just as bad, telling me I wasn't visually appealing enough to be cast for any major roles, so they would always stick me in the background until I eventually dropped drama."
I shudder as I remember the sneers and phrases I would often hear at school. 'You're only popular because of your brother!' 'You are too plain to be friends with the most handsome guys in school!' 'Why don't you try camera work? You will never be cast in the main role with such a plain face.' 'Why are you still taking drama? No amount of talent will make up for that sorry face!' 'You're such a nerd! No one will ever want you!'

I don't realise I'm crying until I see a tear hit my sweatpants, and I rub my cheeks. I sigh and say, "I suffered a lot of bullying in school, which always went under the radar, but I heard it, and it left a large impression on me. The drama teachers even said that hiding my face behind a camera was a blessing to everyone. I don't understand why people are so cruel, but when that is everything, you hear, and your best friend, who you love, dates everyone except you, it becomes your truth. I can't do my makeup without my glasses on, so I never had the ability to improve my looks, and I just accepted the fact that I'm not blessed with good looks like you."

Yoongi stops the car and mewls in a pained tone, "Stop it ... just ... stop!"
I look at him and see him crying too, so I ask, confused by his reaction, "Why are you crying?"
He looks at me and asks, "Did that all happen? What you just said, all those horrible things! Were people seriously that cruel about you back in school?"
I nod and realise I have quoted things aloud by accident. I utter quietly, ashamed, "There was worse. They would laugh about me, saying Jin was just my friend out of pity and because you are my brother, or they would laugh about me being a geek and being childish with Jin and you, chasing each other around like 5-year-olds, calling me a desperate slut and all sorts."

Yoongi gets out of the car. There is so much anger radiating off him. It's intimidating. He walks around to my side, undoes my seatbelt, and takes me out of the car. Locking the car, he drags me away, and I ask, "What are you doing?"
He strops, "We're getting ice cream because fuck the haters!"
I roll my eyes and scoff, "You are supposed to be on a diet."

He growls aggressively, "It's now a comfort diet. Rats made my sister hate herself and feel the need to hide herself away. Fuck them and their judgemental attitudes. They were probably just jealous of you because your brother was an awesome basketball player, your best friend was a handsome actor in training, and you are super talented. Name some names while we eat ice cream, and we are going to troll their social media and take them down one by one."
I chuckle as Yoongi rings Jin and seethes, "We have some damage control to do. Gather everyone for ice cream. We have some trolls to tackle."

Jin says something, and Yoongi fumes, "Her problems stem from school bullies, so we are going to track them down and dish out some karma."
Jin raises his voice, shouting about something, and Yoongi rages exasperatedly, "I know, hyung, we got some haters to deal with. I'm feeling terrible, too, for never noticing it, but of course, people were nice around us. We were popular." I sigh, and Yoongi grumbles, "I'll send our location."
He hangs up and sets the location tracker to the group chat. I ask, "Why are we getting ice cream in winter anyway?"

Stay - BTS Jin FFWhere stories live. Discover now