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Connor had stay in Jasper, Nevada for a year now after he moved away from her mother and stay with his father that work as a car mechanic in his workshop. Life would be peaceful, or so he thought?!

He made friend, well at first! Now? He made friends after he's been drag into an… accident? He meet team prime, the Autobots and knowing the war he shouldn't knew about! And of course, let's not forget that knowing he's a wizard because he's a descendants of Sebastian's bloodline, the great and powerful wizards and witches of all the other centuries ago.

Magic? Ghost? Demons are real?! Nah, it was nothing for the boy, he got everything under control! Or… did he? I really should stopped asking question and answer them for you guys! XD

Troubles came here and there, the team knew about his magic and changed the perspective of the world? After solving those problems, more comes after a wave from another wave!

When I can had a normal life for once?! The boy thought a lot of time, well… he gave up and gave in, knowing those problem will come and find him eventually! He's not annoyed like before, he glad! Because he got his friends now, especially his guardian the medic of the team~ Ratchet!

The two don't get along at first, but slowly the become closer, sharing their past and teaching each other new things! Surprisingly, because of their bond the medic can use magic like Connor did, is a miracle!

Still, the two got a lot to learn! As long as Connor thought problem will never find him, they get to him eventually!

A really big one to be honest, this time… what is it you asked, see for yourself!

Believe in Magic- ACT 02- Transformer Prime Fanfiction [SLOW UPDATED]Where stories live. Discover now