Matter of Knowing

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"You want me to forget about Yeji?" I asked the woman who stared at me in a firm and patient way.

"I want her to exist only for me. And soon."

I liked the possessive side of Ryujin, it made me love her even more. But I didn't understand where she was going with this. I was already hers.

"What do you mean by that?"

Ryujin took a deep breath and smiled, bringing her hand over mine that rested on the table, where she began a light caress.

"I want you to leave "Imperium"."

For a few seconds, I was completely paralyzed, trying to figure out if I had heard that from her or if my imagination simply had gone too far.

"Lucy..." Ryujin whispered, waking me up.

"Are you serious?"

"Yes, I thought that, well, now that we are together you don't need to go there anymore," Ryujin spoke calmly as she drank her red wine.

"Ryujin, me going there or not won't interfere with what we have," I spoke calmly.

"Of course it will. I don't want you there, exposing yourself like that."

"Up until a week ago you liked it, and you didn't mind." I let out indifferently.

The woman rolled her eyes and huffed. "A week ago you weren't my girlfriend."

The atmosphere automatically got heavy, spreading the tension between us.

"What does that change? We are just together officially. Nothing will change."

"Obviously it will, Lucy!"

"Like what?"

"Everything! You're mine now."

"And I will always be, Ryujin!"

"Not being there, dancing for those people. I want you to be only mine."

"You're my girlfriend, Ryujin, not my owner."

We stared at each other, almost spitting fire. Amazing how everything was too good to be true.

"Wow, I can't believe that you just said that," she said standing up from the table, and at that instant, I regretted being too rude. I stayed seated staring at Ryujin, who served herself a little bit more of red wine, to then look towards the rough sea. I stood up slowly and walked towards her.

"I'm sorry. I just want you to understand, I can't leave." I said touching Ryujin's arms affectionately.

"What's stopping you?"

"I can't just leave Rosé aside. I can't give up on the project with her."

"Project where only she gains, right?"

"Ryujin, I also receive very well for it."

"Lucy, you don't need it! I can give you everything you want."

"I don't want your money."

"I don't want you there. Being with me, you'll never need anything."

"Do you really think that I'm the type of person that will be supported by another?"

Ryujin looked at me incredulously, it was clear the nuisance of having me clash with her. "Don't come with your pride, Lucy. We don't have room for that here."

"I don't want to depend on you."

"Would you rather stay half-naked on top of that stage?!" she almost shouted angrily.

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