Jungwon gasped, he looked away, when I turned him towards me, I could see tears in his eyes, "what's wrong? hey, why are you crying?" I asked softly.

"hyung, I am very sorry" he replied, still crying.

"sorry for what?" I asked

"For leaving you alone. I didn't even listen to your side of the story, judged you instead. and left you when you needed me the most. I am very sorry hyung" he cried.

I tried to calm him by drawing circles on his back, "It's okay jungwon. I don't blame anyone, not even myself" 

"sunoo hyung, what exactly happened that night? we never gave you chance to justify yourself" he said with a guilty look.

ah, well now I can atleast tell him, of course I was hurt when jungwon too left me, but he totally regrets and I can't see my wonnie cry.


sunoo narrates the flashback to jungwon [A/N: but I'll write it in third person's POV]


two years ago, jay and sunoo had to stay together, as their parents were off to a meeting for a few days. Jay was told to look after sunoo and also to stay with sunoo in the Kim's mansion.

jay, being a responsible son that he is, agrees. He had a soft spot for the younger so was happy to look after sunoo.

TW: Trauma, Fear, Death

back story

Sunoo has a fear of thunderstorms, it began when he was 2 years old. One night, it was raining heavily, and 2 year old sunoo was looking out of the window, enjoying the rain. He would get scared of the lightening and thunder whenever it strikes, but he wasn't THAT scared, until, that night, his dog shiro was out in the rain to fetch the ball he threw out of the window. he loved his dog, it was very precious to him. His dog, while trying to get the ball was struck by the lightening and he saw his beloved dog die in front of him.

as he grew,  once in his first grade, one of his classmates told him that he was the cause of his dog's death. because he threw the ball outside. this caused a deep impact on sunoo, with growing age and growing mind sunoo started blaming himself for the death of his dog. he was counselled and he started to help people as much as he could in order to repay for his guilt. he could never get over the fact that it was NOT his fault.


- flashback

jay didn't know that sunoo was very afraid of thunderstorms, cuz the younger never told him about it thinking he'd get laughed at.

that one fateful night, jay had to attend a sleepover with his other friends. he asked sunoo if he'd be okay alone, sunoo agreed. sunoo wasn't aware of the thunderstorm that was about to occur.

almost at the time of midnight, a heavy thunderstorm broke out and this terrified sunoo. he tried calling jay, but the latter wouldn't pick his calls. He tired meditating and everything to calm himself down, but nothing worked.

what he feared, finally happened.

sunoo slipped into his little space.

due to his trauma which occurred when he was 2, his brain slipped into little space whenever his stress or fear exceeded. he'd mentally become a 2 year old kid.

sunoo became a little, too afraid to do anything, he started crying. he heard his phone ring, it was his mom who had called to check on him. he received the call and began speaking, " *sniff* *sniff* mommy, ddeonu is s-scared. its rwaining" still crying.

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