seven - confirmation

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We finished up eating, sharing random conversation. "It's getting late" Jinsoul stated. "Can I walk you home?" She asked. "It's kind of a long walk" I said. It would probably take around 30 minutes from where we were to get to my house. "Perfect." She said, standing up and putting her hand out. I grabbed her and and made sure that cashier from earlier saw us walking out, hand-in-hand.

"Jealous much?" She said, which took me off guard. "I'm not jealous. What's there to be jealous of?" I said, letting go of her hand and feeling the cold air brush against it. "Well, I actually wanted to talk about that, like, really talk about it. Not just in passing." She told me. "We've been flirting or whatever but I need to know if you'd actually be interested, in me." She continued. "What exactly do you want from me? Before I get, not to sound cringey but, attached?" She said, looking at me as we continued walking.

I knew exactly what I wanted from her, I'd known for years and the moment finally came where I could tell her. I wasn't going to let any anxious feeling get in my way. I grabbed her hand again and intertwined our fingers. "I want this. I am interested. It may seem new for you but I'm not lying when I say I've 'had my eye on you' or whatever" I sincerely told her. "I want to hold your hand and see you all the time. I don't want you to laugh with pretty cashiers and I definitely don't want them to give you their number." I added. "Jeez, I thought I was cringey..." She said jokingly before I lightly slapped her arm and tried to pull my hand away from her's. She wouldn't let go.

We arrived at my front gate after making a thirty minute walk into almost an hour. I looked at her and she told me "Thank you. You know, for letting your guard down and everything." "Any time. Thank you for walking me home... How far is your house?" I worriedly asked realising she'd now have to walk home in the dark. "I actually am wondering how we never met as kids. I live just a couple streets away." She said with a smile on her face, still with a tight grip on my hand. "Good, you don't have to walk far then." I said. "Nope, well, I guess... I'll see you tomorrow?" She said before giving me a tight hug and I quickly pecked her on the cheek. She looked at me in shock. "See you tommorow." I said, blushing and running into my house. I closed the gate and heard her snicker "Good night!" She shouted before I watched her walk away.

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