five - reassurance

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The end of the day came and a mix of severe anxiety with simultaneous excitedness took over my body. I usually rode the bus home with Chuu, but now I had to make up some kind of excuse so I could see Jinsoul. Although we weren't doing anything secretive, if she saw that me and Jinsoul were going out together without her she would feel more excluded than suspicious. I contemplated telling her a couple times so that she would ask to come, that way I wouldn't have to finish my conversation with Jinsoul but for some odd reason, I wanted to.

I ended up telling her I needed to visit my grandma, something I had told her before. My grandma lived close to the school so I didn't need to get the bus. She smiled with her gummy teeth as she waved goodbye to me after I waited with her at the bus stop, definetly not stalling if that's what it seems like.

The bus had been gone for about two minutes when I heard "Why didn't you get on it?" I turned around to see Jinsoul, hands in her pockets and eyebrows raised with a smirk on her face. I stood still for a little while. "Were you going to get on the bus? We don't have to talk. If you're not interested, I can take rejection." She said. "No! I wasn't getting on the bus, I was just waiting with Chuu." I told her. "Are you sure? I don't want to make you uncomfortable." She told me, looking down towards her feet. "Not at all. No, you really don't. It's the opposite, really! I feel comfortable, really comfortable." She looked back up at me after I realised how much I rambled and probably revealed a little to much and chuckled. "Do you want to go somewhere then?... With me?" She asked looking uncertain. "Of course. Where are we going?" I asked, hoping it eased her uncertainty a little. "You'll see." She said as she put her arm around my shoulder and marched forward.

We had been walking a few minutes, not talking much, until she asked if I was comfortable for the fifth time. I stopped in my tracks which dragged her arm off of my shoulder as she walked a further step. She turned around looking uneasy "Stop asking if I'm comfortable, I would have pushed your arm off myself if I wasn't!" I said, raising my voice but not quite yelling. "Sorry." She uttered after a few moments of silence. A few more moments of silence before she said "I just... Don't know how new you are to this type of thing." She took a breath before she continued "I know that things were immediately kind of flirty but I didn't know if you were totally interested, even if you did like girls and besides, we literally met formally like 6 hours ago."

I stepped a little closer, putting her hand in mine. "I've had my eyes on you for a while, Miss Jung. Even if you've only known me for 6 hours, I've known you a lot longer than that." I let that sink in for both her and me, I couldn't believe my courage saying this to her. I was usually silent or a blubbering mess when in her presence. "I am interested. I'm also very hungry, so if you aren't taking me where anything is edible I don't want to go" I said, trying to lighten the mood. We both laughed, "There is, don't worry." She said before she took a look at our hands and squouze mine, "Thank you... For the reassurance." She spoke. Another few moments pass before we begin walking.

She said we were getting close before she stopped "Wait a second. How long have you 'had your eyes on me' Miss Kim" She asked, laughing as she spoke. I quickly let go of her hand and ran, her soon chasing after me.

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