"When was this?" Asked Knave.

"The day I had broken your curse," Alice said. "Just a few minutes before that." Knave looked thoughtful but said nothing.

"And since then you could touch your friends." Mendaline summed up. Alice nodded. "May I ask, who exactly is Tristan?" She asked. "I mean, Cora wouldn't just randomly pick someone to be her power source. Had you met him before Cora wiped your memories?"

Alice nodded. "I have vague memories of seeing him in middle school. Tristan said he has them too." She said. "At first, I had thought it was a memory Cora had created, but now I'm not so sure."

Mendaline looked thoughtful. "Did Tristan ever miraculously heal before?" She asked.

Alice was surprised by the question. "What do you mean?"

"Does he heal faster than others?" She asked.

Alice thought about it. Tristan hardly got hurt but when he did, he usually was on his feet after some sleep. Alice had always thought Tristan was just a fast healer.

"He usually recovers after some sleep or in a day." Alice answered.

Mendaline looked as if she just realized something. "And Cora could not heal by herself, which was why she convinced you to help her."

"What are you trying to say?" Asked Knave.

"Usually, a witch stores a certain power in an object, or in this case, a person." Mendaline explained. "I think Cora has put her healing power in Tristan and for some reason, she is not being able to tap into it and draw her powers, which was why she needed Alice."

Charlie shook his head. "That makes no sense!" Alice couldn't help but agree.

"It does not add up," Mendaline agreed. "But right now that makes a little sense.

"Why would she take such a risk?" Knave asked.

"Who knows? She's crazy!" Mendaline said. "But what I know is that healing powers would be the last thing a witch would separate herself from."

"I don't care why Cora did what she did," Alice said. "All I want to know is that, is there a way to save Tristan?"

Mendaline looked at her sadly. "No!" She replied.

"So what are we going to do?" Charlie asked.

"Well, there is no way I am sacrificing Tristan!" Said Alice.

Mendaline looked at her incredulously. "So you're going to pick one person over who knows how many people Cora will harm?"

"I know you don't like Tristan, and won't care what will happen to him," Alice said. "But there is no way I am going to let my best friend die!"

Mendaline looked at her in anger. "I am not so heartless that I would wish for a person I don't like to die!" She shouted. She closed her eyes, calming herself.

"Um, maybe we could discuss this later?" Asked Charlie.

"That's a great idea!" Knave added.

"No!" Said Mendaline. She opened her eyes and made her way towards Alice. She knelt opposite her. "I shouldn't of reacted that way," She said, holding Alice's hand. "I should've been more understanding, but I have never had a friend before and have no idea what you're going through!" 

Alice squeezed her hand and smiled at her. No words were needed.

Mendaline continued, "However, I want to tell you to choose wisely because this time, we do not know how many lives are at stake!"

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