(30) The End

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TWs: Mentions of Bullying

Ranboo POV:

'Here we go' I thought as I got myself pumped up for the first day of college. If it was anything like year 11, I was going to die. I can't handle all that again.

"Hey, Micheal kiddo, are you ready for your first day of school!" I snap out of my thoughts as I hear Tubbo shout that.

"Yes I am dad" Micheal responds as he runs out of his bedroom wearing his new school uniform and his bee themed backpack on his back.

"Awesome we need to get going now, if me and Ranboo want to get to college on time" Tubbo says as we wait for Micheal to get his school shoes on.

"Lets go" Micheal speaks excitedly. 'God if only he knew about how school gets at times' I thought as we exit our apartment, Tommy waiting outside for us.


We had just dropped Micheal off at school, Tubbo was being a bit of a drama queen about it but it was fine, and now Me, Tubbo and Tommy were on our way to the college.

As we reach the gate of the college we meet face to face with the dream team. Dream extends a hand for me to shake and I look down at it in confusion.

"To no more fights or hard feelings between us" I look to Tommy and Tubbo before deciding to shake Dream's hand.

The three of them gave us a genuine smile before they walked off into the college. Dream and George holding hands. I smile at the sight knowing i'm not alone here.

'Maybe it won't be as bad as I think' I breathe slowly to try and calm my nerves.

I assume Tubbo noticed what I was doing as he grabbed my hand and squeezed it for reassurance. I gave him a smile in gratitude and the three of us entered.

The silence as everyone looked over at me and stared was enough for me to know that nothing was going to be different.

The End.

Note: I really hope you enjoyed this story. I had a lot of fun writing it and I hope to see you for stories in the future. Thank you for reading.

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