(15) The Sleepover

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TWs: Fighting, Blood, Crying, Homophobia, Depressing thoughts (sorry if I missed any)

Ranboo POV:

"Remember Ranboo, what's the one rule for tonight?" My mum asked whilst I was putting some clothes for tonight in my schoolbag.

"Ignore Eret the entire time" I sigh loudly, slightly annoyed that I have to purposely ignore one of my friends.

"Good and don't sigh, it's not my fault that he decides to wear skirts and other things when he's a boy" My mum said, clear disgust in her voice before she went away from my room. I sigh again as I zip up my schoolbag ready to leave for school.

It was Friday which meant tonight the sleepover was going to happen and whilst I am excited for it, I can't help but feel guilty that I have to ignore someone that I enjoy hanging around with but who knows what my parents will do if I don't listen to them. It was clear, even to me, that my parents weren't good people but their still my parents and i'm just a small, six year old, I can't really do anything to stand up to them for Eret or anything.

I've heard from Tommy that some parents like to hit their kids if they do something wrong. I don't want that to happen.


Tommy POV:

I have been excited for this entire week for this sleepover, it's both mine and Tubbo's first one ever so I hope it is fun. When I approached Da--Phil about the sleepover at Eret's house, he was surpriselingly quick to say yes. He also said that he and Kristen were friends with Eret's parents so they knew Eret, which was good.

Me and Tubbo walked into school filled with excitement and happiness. I was really hoping that the school day would go by quickly turns out I was wrong.

Ranboo POV:

The school day went by so slowly, it was really annoying. It didn't help that for the whole day it felt like someone constantly had their eyes on me, piercing my slightly paler than a normal person skin.

Foolish POV:

I don't trust him.


(sorry for all the quick POV changes btw, they have a purpose)

Ranboo POV:

Finally it was the end of the school day and boredom and annoyance was replaced with excitement and a tad bit of fear.

The eight of us were on our way to Eret's house, surprisingly they didn't live that there from the school. The other seven were chatting on the short walk there, I decided to stay silent to not risk talking with Eret. I still felt like someone was watching me the entire time but i'm sure its just me overreacting, six year olds do that all the time, don't they?

When we reached the house, I was in shock at how big it was. My house was no where near this size, this was like a castle.

"Come on in, then" I hear Eret say, snapping me out of my thoughts and making me realise that I was now the only one still outside. I quickly nod my head and rush inside the home, to see some beautiful interior and the others looking around in awe.

"How rich is your family?" Tubbo shouted as he looked at all the paintings of Eret and i'm assuming his parents.

"Pretty rich, my dad works for Epic Games and my mum uploads makeup tutorials to youtube, they both earn quite a bit of money" Eret finished and gestured for us to follow them upstairs.

We followed Eret and they showed us the upstairs area of the house, which was just as beautiful to look at. After a while of looking around we reached Eret's bedroom, opening hte door they revealed a massive room, definetely big enough to fit all eight of us into for the night, there was a king sized bed in the corner topped with sheets with crowns on. There was a desk across from the bed topped with a computer and art supplies. Also a large walk in wardrobe filled to the brim with both boy and girl clothes, mainly boy clothes though, and shoes like heels, boots and trainers, a large variety.

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