(17) Why do you Love us?

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TWs: Crying (sorry if I missed any)

Tommy POV:

It was Christmas Eve at the Minecraft household and excitement was in the air. Me and Tubbo  were jumping with excitement for the next day. The mountain of presents sorted under the tree. The christmas lights hung up all over the front of the house. The christmas movies being played on the TV.

This was the first christmas in my life that really felt magical. I had a family that loved me. I only just started to call Kristen and Phil, mum and dad, so did Tubbo, its almost like he completely forgot that he had an actual dad out there but I dont mind. Living together makes it easier for us to hang out.

A very pregnant Sally was spending Christmas with us this year, but she was nice so I didn't mind about that either.

"What movie should we watch now?" Kristen asked to the room as she placed a plate of cookies on the coffee table.

"UP!!" I shout to everyone, earning annoyed glares from Wilbur and Techno.

"Thats not a Christmas movie, Tommy" Phil replied.

"How about Elf?" I hear Tubbo timidly speak up.

"Yeah, that sounds good" Wilbur replies and nods of agreement go around.

"Elf it is then" Kristen says before finding the movie and pressing play.


"TOMMY, ITS CHRISTMAS!!" I awoke from my sleep after that scream from Tubbo to see him crouched over me on the top bunk where I sleep. Energy instantly found its way into me when I realised what day it was.

"ITS CHRISTMAS!" I shout back rushing off the bed in my christmas pjs that everyone in the family had.

"Can you guys quiet down, its early" Me and Tubbo look over to the bedroom door to see Techno started there with an annoyed but also tired look on his face.

"No, its Christmas" I snap back running past him to get downstairs.

"Hi Kiddos, merry christmas, do you guys want a hot chocolate?" Phil asked as he saw me and Tubbo run into the kitchen.

"Yes please" Tubbo asks politely and I nod my head in response.


The seven off us were sat around the large living room for a while opening presents.

"Wow" I hear Tubbo exclaim and I look over to see that he opened up a present that contained a large zombie piglin plushie.

"Do you like it Tubbo?" Wilbur asked, so I assume that he probably brought it for him.

"Yes, I'm gonna call him Micheal" Tubbo answered before standing up and walking over to Wilbur to give him a hug.

"Well, there is one more present for Tommy and Tubbo" Phil announced as he picked up two small boxes and passed them too us.

Me and Tubbo were quick to open them but were both confused when inside it was pieces of paper, forms of some kind.

"What are these?" I asked confused and slightly dissappointed.

"They're adoption papers" Kristen answered happily. Realising what that meant, a smile grew big on my face and I ran to give Mum and Dad a hug.

"Thank you!". I continued to hug them.

After I let go from the hug I look back to see Tubbo still on the ground, looking at the papers and crying.

"Hey Tubbo, what's wrong?" Dad asks as he stood up from his spot on the sofa to go over to Tubbo. He sat down next to Tubbo on the floor and put an arm around him.

"Its just that my dad never came and got me. Does that mean he doesnt want me?". Looks of shocks went onto everyones faces after he said that.

"Tubbo, it doesnt matter what he wants, it matters what you want. So do you want to stay here with us?" Phil replied still holding Tubbo close as he cried.

"Yes!" Tubbo croaked back to him and a smile found its way onto his face.

"Well then it is sorted. Tubbo and Tommy why dont you guys get ready because your friends are going to be here soon to hang out" Kristen urged us.

"Yay Friends!" Tubbo exclaimed, suddenly very happy again as he sprung up from his spot on the floor and ran to our bedroom. I followed him.


"Hey guys" I announce as all our friends entered the house closely followed by Eret's parents as they were friends with mum and dad.

"Hey" they all said in unison in response.

Phil POV:

I watched as my two new sons went off to play with their friends and I couldn't be happier with my beautiful wife, my great kids and wonderful friends.

What a life.

The End of Chapter 17.

Why do you love me? - An SBI Adoption AUOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz